Outer Kharkistania
Also, why are you accusing Falconias of plotting against the region?
Also, why are you accusing Falconias of plotting against the region?
I'm getting sick and tired of this allegation, and that's all we've heard: an allegation. If you were truly serious, you would put me on trial for abuse of power and oath violations. Instead you went ahead with a half-hearted request for a judicial opinion. Either prove it or stop it.
The power of the CLO is to stop and review executive actions, and what we did was take action on the failures of the Delegate appointed Election Commissioners. They were executive officials and the CLO and I stepped in after the courts failed to issue a ruling.
No one could fix it, so we stepped up in a fair and legal way.
3. The CLO may, with the approval of at least three of the four members, place an emergency temporary halt on any specific action undertaken by the Executive branch.
Falco... just because you don't succeed in taking TNP from us doesn't means you needs to keep pointing it out. I understand your dissapointment, but keep it to yourself please...
...No, I was pointing out that during the Crimson Order. He failed to wrestle the region from CO grip, but that's just my thought of what he's doing. He might not even do that![]()
Well I wasn't going to bring up the fact that we are listening to a former enemy of The North Pacific tell us how to run the region, but this is old freaking history now.
You say that we can't trust Khark for betraying the Crimson Order, yet we are supposed to trust you for being loyal to the Crimson Order? The one who supported the lovely fiasco we witnessed not too long ago?
Yeah, I haven't been holding the whole CO thing against you Felasia, but you keep insisting on bringing it up for some reason.
Well you got me there, Fel. My entire motives for coming to TNP was to thwart you in your dastardly plans to... do whatever it is you plan to do. Yes, that was my sole purpose in coming here.Of course not, I never question your sudden appereance in the region. I'm sure it have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you and me don't see eye to eye and you heard that I'm not being loved here.
I would have to said that if being a former enemy of TNP means that my word is always consider not in the best interest of TNP and I always plot aganist the region then I see no point of staying here anymore.
And I take it that you're the one who should tell me how the region should be run? Sorry, I kind of failed to follow your order again.
And yes, I stuck with what I believe until the end and I lose so I'm the one who is wrong. I guess the words that said "History is written by the winner" is always true. I don't believe that I ever said that Crimson Order is the right or wrong thing, just that Khark agreeds with it on the beginning and when he don't get what he want, he jump. That's the kind of action that this region is doing right now, you stuck to the law when it suits you and you jump when it work aganist you.
And you want to know why almost every delegate go rogue.
And yes, since Khark keep saiding that I have a second motive for power in the region. I feels the needs to point out that he could have the same thing, but I don't think so. You on the other hand. I will have to said that you must have something.
If only the RA actually worked this way...OK, this is enough. The point of a regional assembly is that everyone in the region is entitled to their opinion and should be allowed to give it in our halls and is represented by a single joke.
Any member of the Regional Assembly who tries to disenfranchise another by suggesting or alluding to them somehow being a criminal against this region should lose their rights to this representation.
Everyone in this Assembly is equal, if you have a problem with them then resolve it privately or just leave it on the doorstep because this Assembly is about regional matters and not personal ones.
If you have nothing important to add then dont add anything to this discussion at all, I ask that all Regional Assembly members respect each others right to hold an opinion on the way their region is run without being pinned as someone who is trying to plot against the region for their own purposes. Yes, individuals wish for the region to be run in the way they would prefer. That is why they are entitled to equal representation in this region and that is why we have a regional assembly. To try and discredit them or in some way prevent them from that right to hold a say in how this region is run is wrong.
If we all treat each other with respect then there should be no problems. If you're not mature enough to do so then you should find a new region.
There should be no need for intervention and I'm disappointed that I felt it necessary.
There are constitutional ways of resolving this...
-Amend the Constitution to provide for a solution
-One of those elected stands down and causes a by-election that is fully constitutional
-The Regional Assembly votes to approve the reelection
The constitution has been "subverted" or it has been sidestepped to resolve a situation in what most everyone agrees is the best interests of the region, regardless of whether or not that solution is perfectly legal. It's a matter of whether you believe the legal documents should be followed perfectly always, even if to the detriment of the region, or not. TNP has always, in my experience, followed the former phiolosophy, while espousing the latter. It can get confusing.
No laws have been explicitly broken, at this point it's coming down to an interpretation of does he have the power to do this or not which is just a pointless question because he obviously does have the power so long as the region chooses to grant him that power which it has in this particular case because the alternatives are less palatable.
No laws have been broken. It`s clear and obvious.
We decided on a confirmation vote after the election a page or two ago. Why people are still throwing around accusations I have no clue.
Well you got me there, Fel. My entire motives for coming to TNP was to thwart you in your dastardly plans to... do whatever it is you plan to do. Yes, that was my sole purpose in coming here.
I've wanted to get involved with TNP for a very long time but never found the time until now, that I am at university. I'm thinking you should stick a needle in the zeppelin that is your ego at the moment -- you had absolutely nothing to do with me coming here -- to be quite honest I had no idea you were here and were quite surprised to see that a member of the CO was in fact here amongst the 'old guard,' so to speak.
This is ridiculous, The North Pacific is now known game-wide as the feeder farce and this certainly isn't helping. Tresville is now a legitimate candidate, he was elected, and he by the looks of things will be elected again, and surely to god after two more weeks of deliberating, bitching, whining, complaining, court orders, legislation and yet another re-vote, he will still be delegate.
The law isn't working against anyone! There is no bloody law! In the absence of a law concerning what happens when a delegate is elected but did not meet the 30-day requirement, we are using our common sense to pull through and make Tresville the delegate before we all go criminally insane! Even if there was a law, it's not like one man is circumventing the law, the overwhelming majority of this Regional Assembly are agreeing in principle to just let this go so we can get on with our lives!
No laws have been explicitly broken, at this point it's coming down to an interpretation of does he have the power to do this or not which is just a pointless question because he obviously does have the power so long as the region chooses to grant him that power which it has in this particular case because the alternatives are less palatable.
Again, then what's the point of having the law to control the member of the government if we don't abides to them? What's the point of having a scope of power if in the ends, we're still going to give him more just because we don't want to have problem?
The region moves against them because they either don't trust, like, or in some other way disapprove of them. Spontaneously (seemingly anyway) wresting control of the region away from the people that are active in it usually pisses them off, regardless of any legal situation. The justifications are justifications, but they are not the prime motive.TNP is also known as the region that stick to the law. Seeing that every time there is a coup, the first justification is that the constitution doesn't allow it. Every delegate that go rogues have good intention to bring change and improve the region, but since it's aganist the law so the region decide to move aganist them.
And the law saying it's wrong doesn't make it wrong. Especially if you there aren't any solid arguments that the law says it's wrong to begin with.Now, this here is also good intention, but it's also circumvalent the law.
Law is law, common sense have no meaning in the Regional Assembly. We see the document and we follow it. The regional assembly have already agreed to vote to accept the election after the election is concluded.
And a lot of people do wrong doesn't make it right.
You made a suggestion, I considered it and decided to do it. What's to complain?We decided on a confirmation vote after the election a page or two ago. Why people are still throwing around accusations I have no clue.
It's because I got it first?
And it is the Judiciaries responsibility to interpret the law and not the LegislaturesNo laws have been explicitly broken, at this point it's coming down to an interpretation of does he have the power to do this or not which is just a pointless question because he obviously does have the power so long as the region chooses to grant him that power which it has in this particular case because the alternatives are less palatable.