How dare you.


Well you fine folks just went over the dam attacking and controlling a region run by common citizens of Gatesville for fun and games. How dare you attack my innocent populace directly and ignoring all conventions of war. This is the last straw there will never be a peace and I will not rest until this region is burnt to the ground.

I see you've had your daily recommended dose of RAAAGE today, Gatty.
I’m consulting with my allies now about this very grievous error on your governments part and believe me there will be a high price to pay. I will not be posting up on this forum again in protest of this despicable act and you will hear from me on the battlefield.

Have a nice day.

Forum Adm please delete my account.
Funny, I thought this is how war work..... by attacking each other so why with all this whining? >_>

Oh... speaking of convention of war. It's not really that bad of an idea, maybe we could make one. I think COPS is the only convention of war throughout NS currently.
According to the Gatesville Survivor Ejected invasion, the NPA consist of Khark and Heft.... oh and Blue Wolf too, but he's doing some raiding that I can't track yet. Come on Wolfie! :P
I am sure Gates would support this convention of War.


1. Only Gatesville is allowed to declare war.

2. "war" is defined in these accords to mean that Gatesville can attack you. You are not allowed to attack Gatesville, even indirectly.

3. If you do attack Gatesville, even indirectly, then Gatesville may have a little whine and a moan about it, and generally say you are spoiling the game for Gatesville.

4. in the course of any such rants, Gatesville is allowed to insult you, call you scum etc. You are not allowed to insult Gatesville. If you do, we will get all pompous on yo' ass.

5. The right of Gates, his supporters and any other associated nations to behave like a spolt, whiny child is hereby enshrined in law. This includes the right to complain to unrelated third parties, cry, beat their breast, complain about how they are wronged, damand that their embassy is closed and/or their account is deleted and otherwise to throw a tantrum

Signed this day............


Will that do?
When Gatesville turns to analyse why this raid against Gatesville territory was successful, then this quote from Gates himself on the TWP forum should prove useful in deciding who is responsible:

I will be on the front line with Gatesvilles sons and daughters repelling The North Pacific horde.

Nice repelling, Gates. Memo: you are supposed to repel BEFORE the region is lost.
Does anyone else hear Catherine Tate's voice when reading this topic title?

"How Very dare you??"
We'll see if those trees you're always hugging save you when Gordon Lightfoot's creeping round your back stair!

Kinda reminds me of this.
How dare you!!
Has Gatesville actually attacked us or any of our allies?

If they have not, and there only action has been a declaration and tough talk, have we not become the aggressors and therefore escalated the conflict?
Has Gatesville actually attacked us or any of our allies?

If they have not, and there only action has been a declaration and tough talk, have we not become the aggressors and therefore escalated the conflict?
They declared war on us. We actually went uot and did something material about it (we obviously can't strike at Gatesville directly, and it's not like there's a plethora of targets elsewhere).

And, "horde," really?
Its funny how all the Gatesville apologists are suddenly coming out of the woodwork, like we're the aggressor or something, and preaching appeasement with Gatesville. I even had a message from someone stating that they would not join the NPA because they were a staunch defender and could not support any invasion, even against someone we're at war with.

Seriously people, do you actually WANT us to just roll over and die or what?
I stepped on something on the way in...I just figured it was crap.

**Cisco cleans his Timberlands on a bloody corpse**

Well now....we need to get sanitation on the job! Lol
I am as staunchly defender as anyone left in the game, but I can see a distinction between raiding an innocent region for no other reason than the lutz, and attacking a region (or its satellite) that has aggressively declared war on us.

We did not start this. Gates did. It is time TNP stopped having something of the reputation of being the punchbag of Nationstates.
See, Gatesville declares war, but Gates doesn't actually expect you guys to attack him. How dare TNP attack Gatesville, I mean thats preposterous....Attack the Great Gates?

I know I haven't been around, but it had to be said.
Has Gatesville actually attacked us or any of our allies?

If they have not, and there only action has been a declaration and tough talk, have we not become the aggressors and therefore escalated the conflict?
Well see, if we all followed your thinking then that would make us wrong...
Master Gates relies more on threats, intimidation and weasel promises of aid and support than he does on the gatesville Guard.

He is a poison in the bloodstream of NS, and it is time more people stood up to him.
Have you ever tried to negotiate with him?

He changes his mind, his general attitude, his offers, and his mood every five minutes. He's unpredictable and impossible to tack down.

In short, its not funny because I wasn't joking.
Have you ever tried to negotiate with him?

He changes his mind, his general attitude, his offers, and his mood every five minutes. He's unpredictable and impossible to tack down.

In short, its not funny because I wasn't joking.
I have not negotiated with Gates and he may be everything you said. But, how a person plays NS can differ drastically from their RL persona.

Calling someone bipolar without knowing their RL history could be highly offensive. Having a personally history myself with mental illness (depression) I dislike when people toss around terms like that without having any real knowledge.

*steps off his soap box, and heads off to continue watching The Office :)*
Joshua, presumably Kharkistania was calling the Character Gates bipolar. He said nothing of the person behind that character.

He spoke of how Gates behaves toward him. He believed it appropriate to call that behavior indicative of a bipolar personality-- whether that is a constructed or actual personality he did not say.