I am sure Gates would support this convention of War.
1. Only Gatesville is allowed to declare war.
2. "war" is defined in these accords to mean that Gatesville can attack you. You are not allowed to attack Gatesville, even indirectly.
3. If you do attack Gatesville, even indirectly, then Gatesville may have a little whine and a moan about it, and generally say you are spoiling the game for Gatesville.
4. in the course of any such rants, Gatesville is allowed to insult you, call you scum etc. You are not allowed to insult Gatesville. If you do, we will get all pompous on yo' ass.
5. The right of Gates, his supporters and any other associated nations to behave like a spolt, whiny child is hereby enshrined in law. This includes the right to complain to unrelated third parties, cry, beat their breast, complain about how they are wronged, damand that their embassy is closed and/or their account is deleted and otherwise to throw a tantrum
Signed this day............
Will that do?