Brothers, I call you to gather your weapons.


Lady Phedre on the Imperial Forums:
It is clear to me that The North Pacific has taken an unhealthy interest in the future and activities of The East Pacific. Flemingovia and Kharkistania both have taken an active part in the unendorsement campaigns against me, The Empress of The East Pacific, and both are members in high standing with The North Pacific. Neither have responded to overtures to cease their activities while I and members of the now defunct Confederacy attempt to meet on common ground. The opportunities they have been given have been either ignored or met with disdain and disrespect.

The Empire will no longer tolerate this encroachment upon our sovereignty and the disrespect shown to the Imperial Court. The actions of The North Pacific are distasteful, crude and unproductive. The actions of these members, and the disdain we were shown, will not go without response.

Gatesville has declared war on The North Pacific for the activities of The North Pacific's government against The Empire. They are our allies and close friends. They will not meet this enemy alone.

The Empire recognizes that a state of war now exists between The East Pacific and The North Pacific. All resources of The Empire shall be mobilized to help Gatesville remove the meddlesome pest that the government of The North Pacific has become.

Together, we shall clean them of their sins and show them the true path.

I command my Grand Dukes to prepare their souls and purify themselves for this Conquest. I command the Nobility to prepare a defense for the inevitable counterattack against the innocents of this region. I command my Legions and Shadows to gather and prepare for action.

Be strong of heart and mind. We stand in the light, and we will use the fire in our hearts to rid them of the darkness that has fallen over their region.

Keiga, guide our swords.
Keiga, watch over the soldiers.
Keiga, have mercy on our enemy.
Now, we go to war.
Didn't someone vehemently deny that the Glorious Order of the Cleveland Steamer (or whatever they call themselves) was NOT connected to Gates the Oathbreaker? What happened there?
Didn't someone vehemently deny that the Glorious Order of the Cleveland Steamer (or whatever they call themselves) was NOT connected to Gates the Oathbreaker? What happened there?
The denials were not that they were connected but that the Empire are their puppets.
I see where you're coming from Byard, but I think it's important for us to keep in mind that they are not actually Gatesville members. While they may act in certain ways because they feel they need Gatesville, that does not necessarily mean they take orders from Gates.
Why hasn't Nik the Prick threatened to terminate our interests? I really got a laugh out of that last time.

I demand that my interests be threatened. Now.
GAtes on the gatesville RMB:

Gatesville now stands at Defcon 1 and we are now at war with that corrupted junta regime in The North Pacific. The mighty Gatesville Guard is already in the field and a glorious victory is on the horizon.

Hail Gatesville !!!
Hail the mighty Gatesville Garde !!!

Termination of interests, anyone?
All making little dioramas, with action figures representing Flem (Lego astronaut), Elu (small plastic tree) and himself (He-Man, with one broken hand).
The New Inquisition has joined the fight.

My Fellow Subjects of The Kaiserin,

Last night, our friends The East Pacific and Gatesville declared war upon The North Pacific.

The North Pacific has been continuing to give aid and support those that oppose the new Government in The East Pacific.

We have pledged our support to the new Government in The East Pacific, a Government that we helped to install and a Government which has helped to provide the people of The East Pacific with the good governance and active care it needs in order to grow.

We cannot stand by and allow our friends to go to war for the independence of The East Pacific without support.

I formally asked The Kaiserin this afternoon, permission for a declaration of war and it has been granted.

From Midnight GMT tonight, Monday 1st September 2008, we shall be be officially at a state of war against The North Pacific.

Let us steady ourselves for our duty, with fortitude and courage, so that we can achieve the victory that will deliver a better future for the Nationstates World.

May the Armies of The Kaiserin march forward to victory, for the people of The East Pacific and for the glory of The New Inquisition.

God Save The Kaiserin.
God Save The New Inquisition.
Damn, I take the weekend off to party and all Hell breaks loose.
When did wars get so boring?

blah blah blah longer tolerate... blah blah blah ...The Empire this... ...the Empire that... blah blah blah

I am almost totally underwhelmed by the banality of it all. Is there are copy shop somewhere offering cut price "War on TNP" speechs? Will anyone ever learn that RPing a "so totally consuming with our own importance" persona is never going to work here?

Pardon me if I'm not too concerned by the combined might of an Empire that seems too busy penning flowery speeches to do much else, Gatesville that by its own admission is only ever successful at failing to take over TNP and The New Inquistion who as yet are the most fearsome of the three, although only by virtue of the fact they have yet been able to prove otherwise.

Normally these things are the only thing keeping me interested these days, but I might actually sleep though this one. Wake me up when interesting stuff like constitutional reform starts up again.
Amen to that, Nam!

Although I think you might wanna seek help for calling constitutional reform 'interesting'.
Yeah, I've been operating an Arms bazaar in the corner over there ever since I first came to TNP.

We not only have grenades, we got rocket propelled grenades!
Pardon me if I'm not too concerned by the combined might of an Empire that seems too busy penning flowery speeches to do much else, Gatesville that by its own admission is only ever successful at failing to take over TNP and The New Inquistion who as yet are the most fearsome of the three, although only by virtue of the fact they have yet been able to prove otherwise.
Wait TNI might be considered fearsome by someone? And to think I've been amuesing myself harassing the playground bullies all by my lonesome... They are really easy to run off, shout boo at them loudly enough they go run off somewhere else whimpering. *shrugs*

Obviously TNI isn't any more well known to the mighty feeder regions then Audux, Hampshire or a host of other small player created regions. But we know each other rather well, TNI is more bark then bite. They survive primarily by trying to bully other regions and get upset when it doesn't work.
Oh, by the way, props to Hampshire for ticking off TNI to the point where they dissolved their treaty with them.

*Outer Kharkistania wonders if we can get Hampshire to declare war on them. <_<
Although I think you might wanna seek help for calling constitutional reform 'interesting'.
I'm a constitutional reform whore.

I'll amend anyone's clauses... ;)

Has this war developed trousers yet, or are we still in the all mouth phase?
I vote for a trouserless war. But it definitely needs socks. Trouserless makes it more interesting. Unless we happen to have a sequined skirt.