UN -> WA


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
According to this, the RL UN has filed a cease and desist making Max rename the UN to the World Assembly.

This is of course almost certainly an April 1st joke-- but what of the Proposal At Vote that repeals all UN resolutions? Almost certainly also a joke, no?
ARGH! WANTS continuation of UN! DOESN'T want repeal of all resolutions! WHICH WAY TO VOTE!


Worst joke evar! :P
Hehehe - it may not be an April fools joke in the way people think it is - the joke may be that this change is real. ;D

We can only hope!
Like pretty much everyone else, I got utterly pranked.

Well, at least I didn't decide to wait with updating my scanner.
:rofl: Wow, thats all a bit over the top

My favorate comment underneath it though is this...

'Should have just renamed it "Nations United" and turned the UN Flag upside down with a color change. Then it'd just be a parody. '
It's April 2nd - why hasn't it changed back?

I'm scared and confused.

You fell for the prank.

The prank to make a real name change look like a prank, namely. The UN really did complain.
Max reproduced the actual letter from the UN's Legal Affairs division in his blog, and it is, apparently, not a joke.

If the resolution at vote that Maxtopia put up passes, the WA will be starting as a blank slate, which means no more repeals for a while.

Gatesville can go home and retire, its goal to repeal all UN resolutions has been achived. And they can take L&C with them; he no longer serves any purpose in their plans, and we don't want him back.
There are many different brands of cornflakes. They have different names, and come in different boxes. But in the end, they are all cornflakes.

However, there is only one All Bran.
Presumably Gatesville will now try to stop anything passing, ever.
On the contrary - Gates will now go forward and try to pass as much WA legislation as he possibly can. Ironically, I think most people will agree with his proposed legislation.

Just a note: I knew this wasn't an April Fools joke and that the irony is that the joke is that it is not a joke. Damn, I should have said in my earlier post, "mark my words, this is no joke". :lol:

*Rumor* has it there is few more possible changes floating in the aethirs - such as a competing organization (and Anti-WA) and 'amti-endorsements'. Hey, didn't I mention this in another thread a while back? ;D

Yeah, you'd think they'd have better things to do.

"Mr. Secretary General, I have an issue of extreme importance to bring to the Security Council's attention!"
"What is it? Peacekeeping? Drug smuggling? Human trafficking?"
"No, more important than any of those things - an internet game is using our name!"
"OMG! Dispatch the blue-helmets immediately!"
Yeah, you'd think they'd have better things to do.

"Mr. Secretary General, I have an issue of extreme importance to bring to the Security Council's attention!"
"What is it? Peacekeeping? Drug smuggling? Human trafficking?"
"No, more important than any of those things - an internet game is using our name!"
"OMG! Dispatch the blue-helmets immediately!"
LOL! Precisely!

I hate the UN in RL and in NS too.

I think I'll send this off as a news story to CNN! Priceless!

Max > :fish: < UN

Gates will now go forward and try to pass as much WA legislation as he possibly can.

I do not get it. I thought Gates was one of those isolationist types who hated international laws and world government?
"OMG! Dispatch the blue-helmets immediately!"
Gates is anti-UN so maybe we could really call the UN for help? Like sending a cease and desist note to Gatesville and stopping all terrorist activities (includes endorsing L+C)?

Just a thought.
GV has released a position on the WA. Rom, you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

I'll post it when I get the chance.
GV has released a position on the WA. Rom, you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

I'll post it when I get the chance.
Please do post it. Inquiring minds want to know.

The whole current purpose of Gatesville as resisting the UN is over. Controlling the WA is another issue, and I suspect that if Gates pursues a more logical, reasonably and non-coercive program to control the WA and any tendencies it will develop to restrict national and regional sovereignty I suspect that Gates will find a lot more friends than enemies.

Again, let me reiterate my personal position on the matter of the deceased UN and the new WA - I agree with Gates in principle but not methodology. I agree with the anti-world government stance, but not by use of coercion, which, ironically, is a form of world government more totalitarian than the UN ever was.

We have a chance here to promote and implement something that promotes sovereignty against tyranny by a one-world socialistic arrangement. Let's all take the cooperative advantage of it while we can instead of inflicting the same old garbage or who controls the whole world that we have been laboring under for so long.

Gates has no reason to continue supporting L&C (not that it matters in the long or short term) given that the UN is gone. I suspect that Gates will take this opportunity to shift his paradigm towards the use of persuasion instead of coercion in promoting what is otherwise a very logical and reasonable agenda as per national and regional sovereignty without having to obtain leave of a world-government.

Oh, and I know exactly what I am talking about.

Upsetting and then receiving a letter from an organisation as big and important as the UN has to be the ultimate compliment. Wish I could achieve something like that

Quality :rofl:
Upsetting and then receiving a letter from an organisation as big and important as the UN has to be the ultimate compliment. Wish I could achieve something like that

Quality :rofl:
Not really. The UN is the biggest waste of money and man power in the modern era.
Upsetting and then receiving a letter from an organisation as big and important as the UN has to be the ultimate compliment. Wish I could achieve something like that

Quality :rofl:
Not really. The UN is the biggest waste of money and man power in the modern era.
And here I was thinking that Gatesville was a game to you, while all the time it's some RL political platform. :P

Further evidence for my suspicion that the WA will just not be the same for you.
The only odd thing about Gatesville's statement is this: they seem, rhetorically, quite pleased with the demise of the United Nations. Yet their Delegate, Nevadar, is voting against the current resolution.

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Enforcer, Gates's statement was factually erroneous: the Meritocracy has been mentioned twice on the NationStates News Feed. Just so you know. ;)
It was [edit: mentioned. The New Meritocracy was mentioned]. Nice try, though.

And the Meritocracy is a region. Just by the way. :)

Edit: For reference: 1. Mon, 02 Jun 2003
Regional web sites

by Max Barry

There are some pretty amazing off-site NationStates sites out there, but the best one I've seen is this one for the region The New Meritocracy. It's got it all: a news page, a forum, and a very cool Census, using the NationStates XML feed.

2. Fri, 12 Dec 2003
Meritocracy Shows the Way

by Max Barry

It's a bit alarming when some players create a web site for their NationStates region that's more professional than NationStates itself. But that's what the residents of The New Meritocracy have done -- check out their handiwork at merit.jink.org. The site features just about everything a region could ever want, including a map, a charter, and a truly amazing collection of colorful, well-presented statistics.