European Elimination

Australia 34
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 12
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Monaco 2 -1 and I don't like the name Mona.
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 10
Switzerland 31 +1 Oh, good.
Australia 34
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 12
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Monaco 1 -1 sounds whiny.
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 10
Switzerland 32
Australia 34
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 12
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Monaco -1
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33 +1
Australia 34
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 12
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 3 -1
Sweden 10
Switzerland 34 +1 Who's next to get the IG treatment?
Australia 34
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 13 +1 Yay! Danish!
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 2 -1
Sweden 10
Switzerland 34
Australia 34
Czech Republic 11 -1
Denmark 13
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 6
Slovakia 3 +1
Sweden 10
Switzerland 34
Australia 34
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 14 +1 Stiny! Get me a Danish!
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 5 -1 Not really a proper country.
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 34
Australia 34
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15 +1 Stiny! Who spilled coffee all over the plans to my death ray?!
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 4 -1 I always read it as "Dan Marino"
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 34
Australia 34
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15
England 34
Finland 8
Italy 6 +1 it has a lot of intresting history
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 4
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33 -1 i keep getting it mixed up with sweeden
Australia 34
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15
England 35 +1 Just to push Blighty ahead.
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 3 - Too much like Italy anyways.
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Australia 33 -1 because it took me ages to find where this started
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15
England 35
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 4 +1 everone else is being mean to it
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15
England 36 +1 I have to really.
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 34
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 3 - 1 silly tax-haven of a place.
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
England 36
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35 +1 i know quite a few duch people
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 2 -1 because every one else is
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Danish people traditionally come from Denmark, not Holland wagger-tribe!

Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 15
England 37 +1 God Save the Queen! But forget about her cretinous relatives.
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 1 -1 Poor man's Monaco?
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16 + they had cool hats at the world jam
England 37
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
San Marino 0 -1 it only had one left so it had to go
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33

eddit previos post
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 38 +1 For British comedy being the finest in the world.
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 2 -1 Has the fewest points left, so...
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 37 -1
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 3 +1 Has the fewest points left, so...we don't need to pick on it again.
Sweden 10
Switzerland 33

One of my best friends is half Latvian. You bastards.
My nicest roommate ever is Bulgarian. You bastards.
Hungary. <3 Bastards.
Albania makes great music!

I find it pathetic how mostly Eastern countries get ejected. Gah.
OH, and my country has even fewer points than before, thanks!
DD, I will never forget!

Hello! The fighter for the poor and helpless is back!
I hope you had a wonderful time! :D
Except Spain, France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Wales (noooo!) have all been bumped, and they ain't Eastern European...

Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 38 +1 We invented computers.
Finland 8
Italy 7
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 3 Invented the parachute, apparently.
Sweden 10
Switzerland 32 -1 Invented cheese and the cuckoo clock.
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 39 +1 My family name originated here
Finland 8
Italy 6 -1 I was never fond of Italy
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 3
Sweden 10
Switzerland 32
You do not want me to list all the Eassie countries, do you?

Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 38 -1 for no mountain range.
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4 +1 for the smallest alpine mountain range in the world. Goooo Tatra Tigers!
Sweden 10
Switzerland 32
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 39 +1 We have the Pennines, the Brecon Beacons, the Grampians!
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 35
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 9 -1 For no reason. Er...too cold, there we go. Plus neutral wusses in WWII.
Switzerland 32
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 38 -1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 36 +1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 9
Switzerland 32
Australia 33
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 16
England 39 +1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 36
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 8 -1
Switzerland 32
Czech Republic 12
Denmark 15
England 40 +1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 8
Switzerland 31 -1 For also being neutral in WWII. And...every other war.

Czech Republic 12
Denmark 15
England 40 +1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37 -1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 8
Switzerland 31
What? You can't prop up England like that! They just don't deserve it!

Czech Republic 13 +1
Denmark 15
England 39 -1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37 -1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 8
Switzerland 31
Yes we do! :P Two words; Monty Python.

Czech Republic 13
Denmark 15
England 40 +1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7 -1
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 13
Denmark 15
England 39 -1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 38 +1 two words -
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 13
Denmark 15
England 40 +1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37 -1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 13
Denmark 15
England 40 -1 and anouther 2 words. black adder
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37 -1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 13
Denmark 15
England 40 +1 too true!
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 37 -1
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 14
Denmark 15
England 38 -1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 38 +1 Sure you brits made all those rad things, but the dutch made you brits! English is just the bastard son of a dutch dialect. and if it werent for William of Orange coming in and stopping you from killing each other after James II. and you know where i learnt all this? BBC docos! so clearly they cant be wrong.
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 7
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 14
Denmark 15
England 39 +1 Don't believe those BBC lies! Blue Peter is a fraud!
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 38
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 6 -1 I don't think Syb Syb will mind as much.
Switzerland 31
Czech Republic 14
Denmark 15
England 38 -1
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 38
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 6
Switzerland 32 +1 okay for THIS date, it is the good old Confederation.
Czech Republic 14
Denmark 14 -1 for expensive beer
England 38
Finland 8
Italy 6
Malta 5
Netherlands 39 +1 for Amsterdam
Poland 7
Russia 6
Slovakia 4
Sweden 6
Switzerland 32