Yes there is a point. When can a nation start proposing changes in TRR? How long must they have membership? What must they do to propose change in TRR and not have folks berate, belittle and put them down for doing such things? Simple questions or maybe not...And some regions will have nothing to do with them because they are invaders, to the detriment of Lazarus.
So, how long must you be in TRR to actually have the right to voice an opinion that there needs to be change? 1 day? 1 week? 1 Month? 1 year?
Is there a point to this? There's all the right in the world to voice your opinion there. But if you come from outside the region with the intention to change the reigon, you're an interloper.
How long can one regime be in power before the region becomes stagnant and starts withering away?
I have an example from Lazarus. Lazarus shares many qualities with TRR, the only difference is that Lazarus is the home of reborn nations. We had a fellow there named Addarow. Who turned out to be a forum crasher, I just read up on that. Addarow was proposing all sorts of changes to the government and managment of Lazarus. He obviously was new to Lazarus and had little experience, but we did not smear him, or berate him. We were not overtly mean to him or malicious. We let his ideas fail on their own merit.