Vrtbovska Zahrada
Or which other city planners would have allowed such:
a building?? *HEIL!* , or what?!

a building?? *HEIL!* , or what?!

I didn't know that meaning it carries for the jewish people. Interesting.Do you guys know the irony of the swastika? It was at one time a symbol of luck to the Jewish people. Although, if you think about it that was probably the intent of Hitler.
On another note, how exactly do you know that?OMG, That's a US military base!![]()
In nations outside the English-speakers and the Eurozone the swastika is still in use. In South Asia you can find it nearly anywhere; even in Finland it is still used conspicuously. Most of Asia is fairly benign or indifferent toward the swastika, probably because they were being busy being murdered by the Japanese at the time and did not see much of the Nazis.On the other hand... This could be a reminder that maybe, only maybe, we should start freeing this ancient and international symbol of its ugly past! Whatcha think?![]()
IIRC work started in fall 2001 and the monument was finished a couple years ago or more recent than that. It is located in the American national mall, that -formerly- unbroken space between the Washington and Lincoln monuments. When the current administration, with all we've seen of them, puts a couple of fascist-styled Arcs de Triomphe in the middle of what had traditionally been open ground for 1st amendment demonstration, I am suspicious of their motives. Hopefully it will have the opposite effect, and the monument will be a rallying point for anti-government protectors. We shall see.The picture you posted is amazing! When was the memorial built, if I may ask?