Paris Hilton


I mean, damn, is there any impartial justice in the world?

Anyone here really believe that if she had been Charlene Hilton from a trailer park she would have been released after three days?
Curiously, there is a prison in Maastricht, the Netherlands that is called "Hotel Hilton" by the locals, because it is so well-equipped that some beggars and homeless were committing crimes deliberately to get in there!
Perhaps she would feel more at home in there?

Joy is the wrong word... But when someone is put on probation and breaks the terms TWICE (people serve their sentence after one time!) for DUI and still doesn't get it, but actually tries to get her own kind of "celebrity justice"... then she deserves to go to prison. I am not happy... Happy I would be if this all charade would never have happened. Now I feel satisfied. ;)

PS: "Ahaha" was not ment to be a laugh. ;) It was a different sound I had in my mind.
Naaaa, Schadenfreude ain't it. I didn't care less about this before she tried outsmarting the legal procedures. Honestly, if I feel anything at all... it's satisfaction. A matter settled. "Homey don't play dat" kind of thing. ;)
Couldn't she be punished in a manner that would benefit social justice rather than sucking up tax money?
@Monte Ozarka

:lol: I have the feeling me and your posted pictures will become good friends! Where do you get those??
I have to say that I gank a lot of them off of Fark threads. I think the first pic was such. Also, sometimes I have something to say but instead of posting it as words, I do a GIS for it, instead. Sometimes, the results are amazing.

Glad to see you enjoy them. ;)
I have to say that I gank a lot of them off of Fark threads.
If you want to see schadenfreude, head over to Fark and you will find it. It is hard not to get drawn into the crowd celebration.


/royalty deserves only the best... guillotines
//still feeling guilty as sin
Has anyone else heard that the photographer that got the picture of Paris' face all contorted in the cruiser is the very same guy that took the picture of the naked girl covered in the napalm running her the village? Same expression!

I was going to post a link, but I can't remember where I read that.
It makes me sad that people my age don't know that expression. :(

It also makes me sad that a friend of mine defended Paris Hilton and said her jail sentence was too harsh. :'(
...Are you serious? People our age actually don't know that expression? o_O

*Monte Ozarka plays the world's tiniest violin for Paris Hilton. Also for Justice Department officials.