Declaration o Calton Hill
We the unnersigned ca' for an unthirlt Scots republic biggit on the preenciples o leeberty, evenlyness, diversity an solidarity.
Thir preenciples can niver be pitten intae practice while Scotland bydes subordinate tae the hierarchical an conter-democratic institutes o the Breetish State.
We threap that thir preenciples can be brocht aboot bi a freely waled Scots govrenment wi fou owerance o Scotland's incommins.
We threap that the richt tae sel-determination is an intrinsic richt, no a boon or obleegement tae be grantit tae us aither bi the Croun or the Breetish State.
We threap that seignourie bydes wi the fowk an vou tae fecht for the richt tae govren oorsels for the common weel o a' thaim that bydes in Scotland the day, the morn an in the futur.
The govrenment o a kintra is the servant o the fowk, no the maister o the fowk.
We threap that a written Constitution sall warrand, unner the law, a'bodie's richt tae freely vote, speak an forgaither; an sall warrand the richt o fowk tae preevacy an pertection, an tae see wittins anent a' thair Govrenment's daeins.
We vou tae fecht for the pouer tae refuise tae send oor sons an dochters tae kill an dee in unjuist weirs in fremmit launds.
We vou tae fecht for the pouer tae bainish nuclear wappens o mass destruction frae oor laund.
We vou tae fecht for the pouer tae acquire or restrict the uiss o guids, gear or launds controlt bi indiveeduals, corporations or govrenments frae ayont Scotland's mairches.
We vou tae fecht for the pouer tae mak oor depopulate laund intae a hine for thaim that's fleein faimin an persecution.
We vou tae fecht for the pouer tae big a mair equal society, free o puirtith, throu the redistribution o oor great walth.
We sweir tae ca' agin a' kin kind o naitional chauvinism, imperialism an racism.
We sweir tae ca' agin a' kin kind o discreemination on the grunds o gender, ethnic oreegin, releegion, place o birth, age, disabeelity, sexuality or leid.
Oor ettle is an unthirlt Scots Republic, that fowk can byde in wi deegnity an wi sel-respect, lowse frae explytation, takkin up the responsibeelities o lowse weemen an men.
An unthirlt Scots republic will negotiate freely an as an equal wi govrenments o ither launds.
Oor ettle isna tae big sinderin wa's, but tae big an ootby-leukin Scotland that'll gie oot the haund o freendship tae a' the fowk o the warld.
We vou tae conteena the fecht for a lowse, democratic Scots republic for as lang's it micht tak.
The fecht is for freedom.