

After a reading a few threads recently that have both raised my blood pressure and lowered my opinion of the intelligence of this region, I have decided I've had enough.
I really, really despise having to write some big dramatic speech explaining my reasons, my usual response would be to just leave because no one would care anyway, but I am writing one in the vain hope that at least one of you will take notice and take the hint. My expectations for this are low, however. None of you seemed to take notice of the main points of Heft's leaving speech, you just left insincere farewells.
Well, you can spare those for me, as I am not going to be reading them.

I am absolutely fed up of both the mindless bureaucracy and hypocrisy that is rife within this region. You are all pathetic, you argue mindlessly amongst each other with no thought, trading petty insults just for the satisfaction of scoring to some sort of twisted points system within your minds.
I left this region first when the Pixiedance fiasco started, because I believed both sides were in the wrong. It was my opinion that the 'undergorund' side were responsible for causing the incident to start in the first place, by generally mistreating the delegate and making her feel like shit. However, her response was also unjustified and equally hypocritical.

I came back when the forums changed in the hope that the region had also changed for the better, but refused to join the RA as a quiet form of protest.(My reasoning for this was also seemingly ignored, by the way.)

I was wrong to come back, and now I intend to correct that.

Cakatoa, I will sorely miss you. Your blog was entertaining and insightful. I really liked having you around man. It's a shame that some people have caused you to take this step, and I will miss you.
:( I didn't know you were leaving when I last posted in your blog, Sir Jameson. :hug: I'm so sorry that crap around here has caused you to leave, though I can totally understand.

It's why I quit playing the game years ago. In fact, I think my nation has expired months and months ago... I stay here because some people, you included, are dear friends. And mean more to me than I could ever hope to say.

All my best goes to you, and I hope that you will stop in, as a friend, and say hello. I'll email you, I promise. Please email me as well. You're an awesome guy. It makes me sad to see you go.

:hug: Love you, man. You're a favorite. Don't forget that.

Do you think you will influence anyone with your departure? Moreso than if you stayed and actually spoke up instead of passively "protesting"? Maybe this game isn't for you if all you can do in the face of adversity is run away.

I know this won't be a popular post, but I am going to say it because I feel it needs to be said.

As a player I do not like you for this, as a person I would say try not to let a computer game irritate you, because it is a GAME.
Do you think you will influence anyone with your departure? Moreso than if you stayed and actually spoke up instead of passively "protesting"? Maybe this game isn't for you if all you can do in the face of adversity is run away.

I know this won't be a popular post, but I am going to say it because I feel it needs to be said.

As a player I do not like you for this, as a person I would say try not to let a computer game irritate you, because it is a GAME.
Ano, mas pravdu!