Victory in The Soviet Bloc
Announcement of Mission Conclusion
Eight Defender Thugs Removed From The Region Without Contest!
If I occupy your region, ain't nothing to it
The LLA made me do it
[For Your Protection]
The quaint, serene pastoral hills of
the Soviet Bloc seem to sing to themselves as a light breeze dances through the rolling landscape, over fecund soil dotted with color that pops; red, pink and yellow flowers bud among a peaceful portrait of lush green grass, and what was once an LLA hellhole now resembles an Elysium, confined not to the dead alone, but instead generously open to all those whom have been touched by the select few who willingly serve He who ordains them, Death himself; his Wolves. Where there was barbed wire and high walls, and avarice that poisoned the land as a drunken wastrel corrupts his own soul, the Wolves have cleared these egregious Defender constructions, and reminded the native population - which had suffered delusions at the hands of these monstrosities - of their own constitutions, of their own humanity.
Without Death, there cannot be Life. He who seeks to abolish the former, seeks ultimately to dispense with the latter.
Corollary Communist notions were also dispensed with during the occupation of the Soviet Bloc, with as much ease as the LLA scourge itself, at the hands of the ganja infused saKhan and the formidable philosopher and Wolf that is,
Bankai Kurosaki. The most vociferous of the Communists was determined to be a Defender saboteur, and of course this is fitting, for Unibot -foremost of the Defender propagandists - is a well-known apologist when it comes to the Great Leap Forward, and other
justified massacres.
Lazarus has been silent - both on the forums and on the battlefield - on its crimes in the Soviet Bloc.
While Socialist notions continue to fester in the Soviet Bloc, that Lone Wolves United command has determined that with the LLA fortifications, soldiers and commander removed, the Soviet Bloc has been sufficiently purged of its malignant forces, and is prepared to return to self-government – that which was initially violated by the LLA, and never compromised by the Lone Wolves United. He who builds walls is a master; he who lights fires is a liberator.
The saKhan, LSD, contemplates Carta, high among the Lazarene Communists and Defender Agents.
Self-government is that which Defenders have no belief in; theirs is an interposition between the nation and his fellow nations, the nation and his region, and the region with its own natural and rightful decay, demise and rebirth. The clear defeat of the LLA, which failed to even attempt to regain control of the region, is itself the clearest augury and indication of the righteousness of the Lone Wolves United cause, for the Fates do not curse the righteous, and it is only the damned that are condemned sleep without hope.
The Lone Wolves United has slept soundly, knowing that LLA defeat was imminent, that they would be purged with success, and that the Soviet Bloc, which has been a captive and slave to designs of the LLA, would emerge freer, stronger and better for having been visited by the forces of the Lone Wolves United. Or else, they will suffer at the hands of Raider hands again. But to fall in defeat independently is more desirable than that of LLA supervision, who can not contend with corpses, but only with zombies animated by their own hand.
We are as always,
for your protection.
Fate has embarrassed the region of Lazarus, and scorned her. For it was the Communist government of Lazarus that not long ago sought to embarrass the Lone Wolves United, after the Wolves approached Lazarus to negotiate a mutual treaty in good faith. In an episode that is typical of Defender double-dealing, Lazarus turned away the Lone Wolves United in an attempt at a raucous, public bitchslap, saying that it had kept the old, useless, and duplicitous Wolves at bay. Oh, really?
The delegate of Lazarus is an equal among his Communist brothers.
It was the Lone Wolves United who struck true to their word and made Lazarus pay, not with words, for any idiot can sling insults, but where it matters, on the field of battle - where Lazarus had asserted the Lone Wolves United no longer had a place. The LLA has been summarily and totally defeated by the Lone Wolves United in the Soviet Bloc, with not even a whisper of competent resistance. Seven clearly marked Lazarene defenders were ejected and banned from the region, while another saboteur was also purged. What was once an LLA puppet-region is now a sovereign entity, free to prosper or suffer as their own lines are drawn.
Our line has been drawn. Ours is the path of
victory, the LLA is and always will be, the path of
The Lone Wolves United thanks our friends in
The Black Riders,
The Brotherhood of Malice,
The Black Hawks and
The United Imperial Armed Forces for their invaluable assistance during this mission.