I think...

I think you should all apply at my work. We're hiring big time. The job is shit but it pays reasonably well and imagine the shenanigans potential.
Democratic Donkeys:
I think I would take the job for the health care and the poutine, though not necessarily in that order.
I think you should know you don't even need a job for the health care. A serious poutine habit, however, will require a regular paycheque.

P.S. Avoid Burger King's version of poutine. It's a little heavy on the seasoned salt.
I think there's only one place in Salt Lake City that I know serves poutine. Which is funny, given our state's strange affinity for cheese curds in the first place.
I think Canberra day is better :P And Australia day. AND Melbourne Cup day. And the queen's birthday. not that im too keen on the monarchy, but if i get an extra day off, she's ok
I think the fact that easter combines with anzac day like some sort of holiday voltron is one of the greatest things that will happen this year. and means if i take three days off on flex time i get to go OS for 10 days
I think chels is probably member of her gender least likely to get offended by this app.

I was going to give you its working title but anyone could figure it out instantly. i'll PM it to anyone thats interested