How long have you been in NS?
According to my XML, 973 days. (2.66 years)
When did you join?
...973 days ago? Uh.... March 1st, 2004.
When did you join/found this region?
I joined the summer of Great Bight, about two months after I created Hersfold. I came from a region called Part123, a region founded by one of my friends who apparently got bored with the game shortly before Great Bight came to power. The region has since ceased to exist.
What notable people have come from here?
Mikestonia (1st delegate)
Nastic (2nd Delegate)
Treenudity (3rd Delegate)
The Twoslit Experiment (4th Delegate, also founder of original TNP forum.)
Wilkshire (5th Delegate)
Blackshear (6th Delegate)
Magicality (7th Delegate, probably holds record for most endorsements recieved in all of NationStates)
UPS Rail (8th Delegate, only held for a few days before...)
Great Bight (Rogue, 9th Delegate. Fun Fact: GB actually still plays the game, but I think only a few people know who he actually is

. I'm not saying.)
Thel D'Ran (10th Delegate, not immediately after GB, but I'm not trying to stay in order now. Also official cartographer of TNP and other regions)
Sydia (11th Delegate)
Cathyy (original owner of Pixiedance (12th Delegate), NPD Member)
Insane Power (part-time owner of Pixiedance, NPD
founder member)
Gracius Maximus/The Minister/Ivan Moldavi/Pierconium (part-time owner of Pixiedance, NPD
Member Founder)
Lungwallabad (13th Delegate, only for a day. This was caused by the "WTF of 2005", when Insane Power (then Pixiedance) attempted to ban Lungwallabad right as the update hit. Somehow Lung got banned, but retained Delegate powers... I think Lung managed to ban Pixiedance somehow, but since he wasn't in the region, was not able to hold the Delegacy. It's all rather confusing.)
Stars of Sky (14th Delegate)
Flemingovia (Admin of s2 and z13, current Prime Minister, 15th Delegate (1st elected))
Erastide/Former English Colony (16th and 18th Delegate (2nd and 4th elected), NS Forum Moderator)
Honeysheep (17th Delegate)
Unterwasserseestaat (19th Delegate (Held as Vice Delegate after Eras left the region unexpectedly))
Great Bights Mum (20th Delegate (5th elected), currently serving)
Poltsamaa (Prime Minister)
Tresville (Noted defender, Prime minster)
Free4All (well-known defender)
Grosseschnauzer (various gov't offices, most notably in the Court. Sometimes considered the father of the Constitution since he's the only one willing to update it and actually completely understand the darn thing)
Fedele (LWU leader, various gov't offices)
Blue Wolf (same)
Limitless Events (same, also involved in plot to rig the November 2006 elections with the Lexicon)
AlHoma (various gov't offices)
Fulhead Land (defendant of first trial to go to completion (hopefully, it's still going right now, has been for a month), co-founder of the Lexicon)
OPArsenal (various gov't offices)
Democratic Donkeys (various gov't offices)
Haor Chall (various gov't offices)
GoalVA (various gov't offices, aka Lord Valentine in that "other" game)
Romanoffia (various gov't offices)
Ator People (various gov't offices)
Dalimbar (various gov't offices)
Mr_Sniffles (various gov't offices)
Wizardofoz01 (long-time Speaker of RA)
Heft (various gov't offices)
Byardkuria (various gov't offices)
and, of course, Hersfold (owner of new TNP forum, various gov't offices)
Sorry if I left anyone off - I probably have. No offense intended to anyone.
And can I have a history (please include dates of events) of your region?
Already sent.
Edit: Please see post on page two.