You Might Not Know...

YMNK that Stephen Colbert had his "Stephen Colbert's South Cain-olina Primary Rally" today. I wish I could teleport.
YMNK, this thread was beyond the cut off for active posts, sailing perilously close to the archival event horizon.
YMNK that there are others:
anserine - geese
aquiline - eagle
assinine - donkey
cancrine - crab
cervine - deer
corvine - crow
elapine - snake
elaphine - deer (of, or like a stag)
hircine - goat
leonine - lion
leporine - rabbit, hare
murine - rodent
pavonine - peacock
rusine - deer
serpentine - snake
ursine - bear
vulpine - fox
YMNK that the pavonine quetzal is a bird from South America. Aside from the beady distrustful eyes that all birds possess, it has little resemblance to a peacock.