You Might Not Know...

YMNK that i can turn up to work whenever i want, provided i do my 7.5 hours. today i got in at 9:30, tomorrow who knows? :P
YMNK that the word "autumn" comes from a French word, and us yanks know that the French are pansies, so we prefer to use "fall" because of its possible Norse/Germanic roots, because the Norse and the Germans were badass.
YMNK that, being a yank, I don't give a hoot about any history that's not American. Mostly because we never bothered to learn anything else in school. Hell, we didn't even learn all that much American history.
YMNK that the barbary wars are part of american history. it was Thomas Jefferson vs Tunisian pirates....

BAM!!!!! and thats how you out-american historie a yankee
YMNK: That the regional update was posted yesterday.. (even though I hope you have realized it was posted, looked at it, and are going to provided feedback to the Office of Communications of what you thought about it)
YMNK Blackshear needs this t-shirt:

YMNK the three definitions of the state of having no close on.

Naked: The state of being sans clothes.
Nude: The state of being sans clothes, for art!
Nekkid: The state of being sans clothes, with intent.
YMNK I am almost always the latter. I also had a dream about that this morning at 5am when I finally fell back asleep... but I can't share details here because they are rather incriminating.
because you live in a state full of conservative religos

YMNK Aus is pretty ok with toplessness, not very not ok with bottomlessness
YMNK I don't give a flying fuck about words with no vowels in them, unless they're Welsh, and I don't care who's offended by it.

[me]throws a double-deuce at the nearest camera.
YMNK it would be a massive hit, but I don't listen to enough popular music, so they can't get any endorsements and it was shut down three episodes in. Just when it was starting to get good.
YMNK anytime anyone mentions hottubs, I think of this:


YMNK I hate my friend Tana for ever showing me that.