YMNK that the word "autumn" comes from a French word, and us yanks know that the French are pansies, so we prefer to use "fall" because of its possible Norse/Germanic roots, because the Norse and the Germans were badass.
YMNK that, being a yank, I don't give a hoot about any history that's not American. Mostly because we never bothered to learn anything else in school. Hell, we didn't even learn all that much American history.
YMNK: That the regional update was posted yesterday.. (even though I hope you have realized it was posted, looked at it, and are going to provided feedback to the Office of Communications of what you thought about it)
YMNK I am almost always the latter. I also had a dream about that this morning at 5am when I finally fell back asleep... but I can't share details here because they are rather incriminating.
YMNK it would be a massive hit, but I don't listen to enough popular music, so they can't get any endorsements and it was shut down three episodes in. Just when it was starting to get good.