Just Thought I'd Ask...


How do you people feel about making IndieGirl our regional poet laureate? IMHO, she's perfect for the job. She's the region's most prolific poet (except maybe the enigmatic French Poodle) and she's fairly quirky. Since the only requirements to be a Poet Laureate are to write the occaisional poem and be eccentric, she seems like an ideal candidate.

Any opinons, or secondings?
I've always viewed IG as NP's unofficial Poet Laureate anyways, so making the title official (with all the perks that will undoubtedly entail :P ) has my unequivocal support.

Its a well known fact all Poet Laureates take copious amounts of drugs.

Or become complete arses within 6 months.

I'd choose the first...

And I think we should expect an epic poem about the greatness of The North Pacific.

Did you try IP address checking? Or just randomly guessing untill you got it right?

On topic: I agree, even though I am technically a non-entity around here. :ADN:
As one of the original "Voices of Reason" you most certainly are NOT a non-entity.

So witht his unbridled support, I use the non-authority tthat I have to name IndieGirl our officla Poet Laureate. Let's party. And please, IG, hit us with a poem.


Great Bights Mum celebrates with blue ears on her head, Erastide to her immediate left. What better way than to celebrate with a pinata, and what better to fill the pinata with than our very own Insane Power? Mental Imagination does some weird "eyes closed" dance while Democratic Donkeys (glasses) looks on.
Yeah, as my first eccentric demand, you don't get a poem until you resize that image.

And I want a badge for it. Or my very own usergroup. :P

And a pony.

Now pardon me while I go assemble some verbal laurels befitting our region.
Howe'er, to tide you over until the showstopper, here's a bitty one.

true north

our hallowed-hall
communion calls

each wanderer
to these fora.

what bonds we share
in fray and fair;

a region quite

ble to those
the walls enclose

depth, breadth
so variegated.

our fabric wove
from mount to cove

shan't e'er
be duplicated.​
I wonder just how many titles people can dream up to feel important? Not meant as a jab good Sirs, merely a question.

Democratic Donkeys
Ruler of Macedonia
The Rapist of Bangkok
All Star 2006
Just thought I'd ask...... Hey OPA how the hell are you doing? Umm well I do guess that is non of my business. Sooo HOW THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Your weird angle on life and the way you pen it is missed here. SO get to cooking up some spam so U 2 can sling it around.