Good point!! And lets not even think about the length of the court case when I try and recoup all that child support when the DNA comes back and I'm not the father!!I don't know, but by the time THAT trial ended, the poor kid would be out of college.![]()
You can't quit before the party! I was going to make chocolate cake.
Don't be a complete stranger, Polts. We will miss you.
Katinaire:Polts, you did a bang up job and I tried to do all I could to help but I agree with you whole-heartedly on this farce of justice. That's why I don't usually get too involved. Good luck and happy living!!
And you all wonder why I am the way I am.Thanks!! I think the trial as it stands is about as level a playing field as if you were playing Monopoly and it was decreed that one player's currency was devalued to one-tenth of that of the other player!!
The prosecution posts flimsy, circumstancial and often irrelvant evidence and the Court accepts it as unquestionable gospel while dismissing any refuting of the evidence!! It is a sham and while I enjoyed the battle when I saw some hope of a fair and justified outcome I now realise that was never going to happen!! The laws here are only applicable when it suits a certain group and they can be ignored, rewritten or taken out of context when it suits this group!! Thats without even touching on the fact this trial will probably last well over a year to get the result that was predetermined before it started!!
Seriously TNP, cut the crap and just kick the people out you don't like!! It is what you are going to do anyway so why the need for the show?! The judiciary is also looking at ways to make sure any verdict against Fulhead Land can be worded so that Blue Wolf does not suffer from the ripple effect of that verdict!! So yes, they already plan for the guilty verdict and they already plan to rig the verdict to make sure people they want to stay stay!!
Enough said really!! This judiciary of this region reeks!!
Poltsaama:With that I resign all office in TNP and NationStates!!
Poltsamaa:The judiciary is also looking at ways to make sure any verdict against Fulhead Land can be worded so that Blue Wolf does not suffer from the ripple effect of that verdict!!
I've never been much fussed for what people thought of me provided I was sure what I was doing was for the betterment of TNP or whatever group I was working in!! You can't please everyone all the time!! If people looked down on me I'm sure they felt they had a reason to, either that or that did not understand my motivations for doing or saying what I did!!WE'RE ALL DOOOOOOOOOMED!!![]()
Polts, you rock hard, people (for some strange reason) look down upon you but how quickly they forget that under your benevolent rule as Prime Minister TNP flourished in ways previously thought unimaginable. Truly this game has lost one of its best. *Salutes*
* hides under a rock *Nah, giving BW the boot would be a little obvious!! They'll get someone that won;t make much noise while getting fitted for their concrete boots!! Then they'll get BW!!![]()
Nah, giving BW the boot would be a little obvious!! They'll get someone that won;t make much noise while getting fitted for their concrete boots!! Then they'll get BW!!
I don't go on holidays for another 2 weeks and this is just too damn hilarious to let go without comment!! Considering I petitioned for this case to be thrown out from the outset I find it ironic that the moment I quit as defence counsel the case is dismissed!!Welcome Back, Poltsamaa.
I see you are finding us harder to leave than you thought.
So how is using big words working out for you? Feel smart?![]()
Assuming we are working with innocent until proven guilty!! I'm not so sure we are, or were in my case!! Being a former citizen and all!!From a legal standpoint, FL is not guilty, if only because half the jury died of old age during the trial.![]()
DD:What I meant to say was they didn't give me a reason for stopping the trial, they just told me to end it and the problem would be "taken care of."