Gracius Maximus:Poltsamaa is correct on all counts.
To state otherwise is to be incorrect.
That was a single comment, not a conversation!!Yes, I can see how the comment earlier in this thread:
Gracius Maximus:Poltsamaa is correct on all counts.
To state otherwise is to be incorrect.
could be considered the opinion of an idiot.
Depends on which part of your anatomy you think with!!Manipulation of the intelligentsia? Surely thats a euphemism for something...
*goes off to manipulate his intelligentsia*
I am contemplating closing this discussion or masking the Jurors so they cannot see it, which would require this topic to be moved to a different forum. It is common in important cases that the Jury is sequestered to be removed from commentary that may influence their decision. I see comments in this thread that are subversively attempting to influence the thoughts and opinions of the Jurors. That is not the job of anyone in this thread, save Poltsamaa and AlHoma.I do not agree with Poltsamaa that the jury need to be shielded from intelligent discussion outside the courthouse.
I haven't seen any intelligent conversation outside the courtroom!!
My comment was no more flamebait than saying a comment could be contrued as a comment from an idiot!! But your selective views on flamebait are well known, Hersfold!!However, the jury is instructed to consider only that evidence which has been presented in the court topic. Anything posted here is not considered valid evidence, so why should it matter if it gets seen or not?
@ Polts:
I haven't seen any intelligent conversation outside the courtroom!!
Watch the flamebait. It'll be awfully difficult to interrogate me with a 5-hour mod preview.
Because we all know that humans are perfectly capable of removing any sense of, well, peer-pressure or being at all influenced (especially by those that could be seen as "senior" members of the region) by comments that they aren't supposed to be influenced by, right?However, the jury is instructed to consider only that evidence which has been presented in the court topic. Anything posted here is not considered valid evidence, so why should it matter if it gets seen or not?
Thank you, Heft. Saved me some time.Because we all know that humans are perfectly capable of removing any sense of, well, peer-pressure or being at all influenced (especially by those that could be seen as "senior" members of the region) by comments that they aren't supposed to be influenced by, right?However, the jury is instructed to consider only that evidence which has been presented in the court topic. Anything posted here is not considered valid evidence, so why should it matter if it gets seen or not?
That argument is pretty bad, Hersiedear, sorry.
Who of the above mentioned people were discussing specifics of the trial?!If this proceeding is a criminal trial, and there is an automatic gag orer in place as to the parties. their counsel, and witnesses, why are any of them even discussing the trial while it is ongoing?
He didn't state which Thanksgiving break.
(I'm working off the assumption that this thread is by all objective measures old, dead, useless, and irrelevant, thus constituting some definition of "spam", I am sure)
the above statement is why I had pizza for that dayI was assuming it meant USA thanksgiving, what with the indian murdering and the turkey. Which is over now...
But you don't know that yet. See, you're still waiting on Fedele to return from the war, his plane was shot down over the Pacific, and everyone's telling you he's dead but you're still holding on to hope. You *know* he's alive because you can feel "his" lovechild kicking inside of you. But he's really quite very dead. Polts was wearing a mask at the time.I am.
The defence knows of no all-encompassing entity!! We know of Fulhead Land, leader of LexiconHead of the region The Lexicon!! We also, know of the nation Fulhead Land of the region The North Pacific!!
I seek clarification as to whether the prosecution is referring to The North Pacific citizen of Fulhead Land and wish the defendant to take the stand or if they are calling a witness from another region!!
For all Polts posturing about TNP holding a kangaroo court, would you take a look at what he just sent hopping in.I think the question is valid one. Since this is all taking place "in game", specifying which Fulhead Land you are calling to the stand is important. You cannot just say the Forum member because this is in game. The prosecution needs to specify TNP nation or Lexicon nation. If they are in fact calling the defendant then we know from whom the answers will be coming because I'm sure that answers from the TNP nation and those from the Lexicon nation will differ dramatically.