Embassy of The Pacific

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Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
Welcome to the embassy of The Pacific and our friends in the New Pacific Order. The bar is fully stocked and should there be any issues, aside from blocked sinks, then don't hestitate to contact the Ministry of External Affairs who will be more than happy to take your call.
*Gaspo waves, has been assigned as the new Ambassador from the Pacific

And I bring with me an update from slightly south of here...

The Pacific
The New Pacific Order

Delegate: Pierconium
2 October 2006

Senator of Pacific Tranquility: Karpathos
Senator of Intercontinental Enticement and Provocation: Moo-cows with guns
Senator of Intelligence and Espionage: Darkesia
Senator of the Armor and Protector of the Realm: Risellia
Senator of Pacific Purity and Political Sanitation: Unlimited
Senator of Regional Pacification: Six Guns

Pacific Army
Commandant: Gaspo
Lieutenant: New Kervoskia
Lieutenant: Agamemnon Mustang

Intercontinental Enticement and Provocation
Senator Moo-cows with guns has just completed an audit of all embassies and ambassadors. New ambassador assignments were given, effective immediately.

Notices were placed in all embassies in the region to inform ambassadors that as of now, any embassy that is inactive for 6 weeks will be closed. To reopen a closed embassy, simply post on the Foreign Affairs forum.

Pacific Tranquility and Internal Affairs
The Pacific Senate created the Ordo Hereticus to handle violations of the Civil Code and other threats to the security of the region. Agamemnon Mustang was appointed to serve as Grand Inquisitor, and he has appointed Gaspo and New Kervoskia to serve as High Black Templars.

Senator Darkesia has organized a group of volunteers to monitor the RMB and minimize the impact of unwanted recruiters on the flow of regional information. We are also part of TAO's feeder spam busters.

Planning has begun for a Pacifican Cultural Faire and preparations are underway for the Feast of BlackAdder.

Edit: Fixed a typographical error from the original copy I was given.
Oh, do they? Since when does inactivity count as "heresy"?

And, being unfamiliar with Pacific Orthodoxy, should I take it that the Emperor is seen as some form of God-Man? A tad pompous, no?
Or to be perhaps a tad diplomatic, would the Ambassador care to explain the reasoning behind the current cleansing of The Pacific region?
Oh, do they? Since when does inactivity count as "heresy"?

And, being unfamiliar with Pacific Orthodoxy, should I take it that the Emperor is seen as some form of God-Man? A tad pompous, no?
The Emperor is the will of Admin.

I tried to push for the Emperor as a God, but sadly that was shot down.
You coulda been more original than Ordo Hereticus and Black Templars (like Dark Angels, much better)... ;) And how about High Lord Pierconium Vandire?
I'm waiting for the day we get a pacific delegate who just decides to be something really stupidly average. Like Mr.
I believe this region had one that was simply The Minister some time ago. That is fairly average.

The Pacifican Inquisition has existed for quite a while, Haor Chall, and Pierconium has served as High Lord Inquisitor the entire time. The Ordo Hereticus is simply a manifestation of his divine right to rule and his Judgement.

(Dark Angels? Are you serious? :eyeroll: )

Also, Vandire held nothing on Pierconium.
The Pacific
The New Pacific Order

Delegate: Pierconium
14 October 2006

Senator of Pacific Tranquility: Karpathos
Senator of Intercontinental Enticement and Provocation: Moo-cows with guns
Senator of Intelligence and Espionage: Darkesia
Senator of Regional Pacification: Six Gun

Note: Senators Unlimited and Risellia were erroneously reported in the last update as active when they are, in fact, retired.

Pacific Army
Commandant: Gaspo
Lieutenant: New Kervoskia
Lieutenant: Agamemnon Mustang

Intercontinental Enticement and Provocation
Ambassadors have made the rounds to our embassies in other regions and are in the process of posting regional updates.

Notices were placed in all embassies in the region to inform ambassadors that as of now, any embassy that is inactive for 6 weeks will be closed. To reopen a closed embassy, simply post on the Foreign Affairs forum. There are a few embassies who are in danger of being closed.

Pacific Tranquility and Internal Affairs
Dalimbar has been appointed Director of the Pacifican news service, Pacifica Veritas.

Desetland has been appointed Director of UN Affairs and BOSS Liaison.

Krulltopia has been appointed Director of the Office of Pacifican Culture and Promulgation as well as Proconsul of the Enlightenment District.

Mussolandia, Desetland and Krulltopia have all been accepted as Black Templars for the Ordo Hereticus.

Many violators of the Civil Code have been reported to the Ordo Hereticus for nation name and/or motto violations as well as heresy and other serious offences.

October Harvest begins on October 15. It will include the Feast of BlackAdder as well as NS boxing matches.
The October Harvest draws close to its culmination in the Feast of BlackAdder. This Harvest Season we in The Pacific have much to celebrate.

In honor of the newly ascended Emperor Bovinus I and in celebration on the Harvest and the Pacific Peoples' renewed faith, strength, sense of tradition and love of a good party, The Darkesian people bring you:

The First Annual Public Open House and Transformation Ball

Special "costumes" are required for all attendees in the main ballroom.

Each attendee must arrive at the threshold of the main ballroom completely tranformed into the creature, monster or character of their choice (no serial killers please).

Guests may visit other areas of the Fatherland District in or out of costume and at their leisure.

An orchestra, buffet and bar will be open with appropriate sustenance 24 hours a day. Please refrain from throwing the slugs and worms should a food fight break out.

Festivities begin Wed. October 25th and conclude on Wed. Nov 1st.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

*Not responsible for lost or stolen mummy and/or zombie parts.

Has there been a reversal of the agreement to not recruit on another feeder's RMB? Or a joke? Or just some mad spammer? This was just posted on our RMB:

8 minutes ago  The Kingdom of Great Bights Pop  Are you tired of oppression?
Of a region where you might be ejected at a moments whim of the rulers?
Of an government that doesn't listen to it's people?

Then join THE NORTH PACIFIC, the only representative of feeder democracy!!


And our forum:


Only the North Pacific can give you freely open SPAM areas!
The North Pacific lets <i>you</i> vote on the delegate's vote on UN resolutions!
The North Pacific allows <i>you</i> to elect all of its officials!

The North Pacific is the region of true freedom!


Great Bights Pop is a nation that was created in late July around the same time as Great Bights Brother, Unendorse GBM, UnendorseGBM and another candidate for paternity, Great Bights Father. Some, if not all of those nations, were involved in an unendorsement campaign against me.

From my observation (my dossier reads like the Bight Family crypt) GBP had become inactive and CTE. It was resurrected sometime this afternoon, apparently for the purpose of creating fresh mischief. BTW, he's not the real father. ;)
Great Bights Pop is a nation that was created in late July around the same time as Great Bights Brother, Unendorse GBM, UnendorseGBM and another candidate for paternity, Great Bights Father. Some, if not all of those nations, were involved in an unendorsement campaign against me.

From my observation (my dossier reads like the Bight Family crypt) GBP had become inactive and CTE. It was resurrected sometime this afternoon, apparently for the purpose of creating fresh mischief. BTW, he's not the real father. ;)
Did Great Bight's Pop ever actually do anything?

And :lol: at the last sentence!
The nation Great Bights Father was actively engaged in an unendorsement campaign against me. That nation was created this past summer and current lies in the Bight crypt. He wasn't the real father either. :P

Great Bights Dad was around during Great Bight's delegacy. He loved a good laugh as much as a good fight, and he had a weakness for cheap liquor and cheaper women. Last I heard he ran off with some crazy pirate girl not half his age. :jack:
Great Bights Dad was around during Great Bight's delegacy. He loved a good laugh as much as a good fight, and he had a weakness for cheap liquor and cheaper women. Last I heard he ran off with some crazy pirate girl not half his age.  :jack:
The cabin girl, the cabin girl,
be wobblin' fer the door,
Tis been 12 hours, an all this time,
'er feet ain't touched the floor!
Would a member of The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps please address your endorsement of the region of The Exodus' attempt to incite revolt within The Pacific?

It is a serious matter for another feeder who enforces the same 15 line limit to endorse such behavior.

I would ask that your attention to this matter be swift as this trouble maker is spamming our RMB with messages implying you endorse his incitement to revolt.


Senator Darkesia
I would ask that your attention to this matter be swift as this trouble maker is spamming our RMB with messages implying you endorse his incitement to revolt.

Please show evidence where I have said that? I believe I stated that TNP does not seem to handle recruiters who break the 15 ad line limit in such an extreme manner like the NPO has. And I was not aware that TNP officially or unofficially supported my actions in anyway, shape, or form. :lol:

Here is my post on their RMB:

Not a really a setback. I am askin recuiters if they so choose to, to ignore the 15 advertisement line limit the Pacific has established. Not because I have anything against restricting the length of advertisements, but because I strongly disagree with how the NPO (government of the Pacific) handles receuiters who violated this rule.


Above is a reference to an article published on The North Pacific forum on the NPO invasion of the Supreme Union who violated this rule, and were invaded for it. A region has the right to protect its rules, but it should not have the right to take over, bully, or intimidate others.

The North Pacificans have a similar rule as well, but choose better tactics to handle the problem. ^_^

Not one reference or implied statement that TNP supports my actions.
Exactly ZS, and despite Darkesia's comment. My actions are not all that aggressive. I am not trying to take down the NPO government, remove Moo Cow from his throne, or turn the NPO into a hippie liberal haven. I am merely organizing a protest in regards to the NPO's manner of handling recuiters who break the ad line limit.

And another point. My actions are mine alone (wow that sounds familar), and are not unofficially or officially endorsed by my region The Exodus. I have even posted in our government offices on our forum about my recent actions and asked what action they will take against me.
Would a member of The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps please address your endorsement of the region of The Exodus' attempt to incite revolt within The Pacific?
What endorsement? I believe our response so far has amounted to little more than "....eh? k...."
What endorsement? I believe our response so far has amounted to little more than "....eh? k...."
You're right Heft. It was the appearance of a TNP forum address that made it seem as such. I was wrong and the point is moot now, as he has apologized and withdrawn his protest.

Let's get back to eating cake, shall we?
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