DAD: Hey, kids! Let's go to the Lexicon!
Park owner (southern accent): Hi, there! Come on down to the Lexicon for fun, games, chevrolets, and the most annoying rides in the world! We have "Insanely Powerful", "Books Galore", and Lexi-go-rounds. Come on down!
NARRATOR: Note. You must be neurotic, sadistic, psychopathic, sociapathic, or just morally insane to enter the park. If you are not one of the previously said, contact Insane Power and you'll get a very long and annoying message within a week. Keep in mind while a lexicon in real life is a book that is supposed to increase your intelligence, the Lexicon will just make you stupider. It is our duty to destroy the current definition.
Guys, do you just play dumb, or are you really just stupid as everyone thinks you are? (Now watch how I get moaned at for flaming while the original post at the start of this thread doesn't)

Why are the ickle TNPers incapable of capitalising the T in the? It is The Lexicon.

Oh, actually, I know just how stupid you all are. There are times when being evil toward you guys really does pay pays off all the time :shifty: :noangel:

Watch your backs guys. Not everything is as it seems.
Wow, that has me cowering in fear. Double agents everywhere... :eyeroll:

I think that people who demand that "the" be capitalised/accentuated are pompous. I think that people who don't know that an ellipsis is three periods, not more or less, need remedial english.

Edit: AI this was ok, but run it through spellcheck next time. It is often the last resort of the affected audience to point out grammatical errors when they have no other ground to stand on.
A room full of crazy monkeymen banging on typewriters weren't quite able to come up with Shakespeare's sonnets but they did manage to write this:

Guys, do you just play dumb, or are you really just stupid as everyone thinks you are? (Now watch how I get moaned at for flaming while the original post at the start of this thread doesn't)

Why are the ickle TNPers incapable of capitalising the T in the? It is The Lexicon.

Oh, actually, I know just how stupid you all are. There are times when being evil toward you guys really does pay pays off all the time shifty.gif angel_not.gif

Watch your backs guys. Not everything is as it seems.

Now, though it may not seem like much, these were not the educated monkeys you see on television so this is all quite impressive.

Now, let's analyze this.

(Now watch how I get moaned at for flaming while the original post at the start of this thread doesn't)

Why are we expected to play fair? Apollo is welcomed here. You are not. See the difference? He can say whatever the hell he wants about the Lexicon whereas your kind will be banned if you go off flaming him. Is it hypocritical? Yes. Hell yes. Do we give two shits? No.

Why are the ickle TNPers incapable of capitalising the T in the? It is The Lexicon.

Do we give two shits? No.

Oh, actually, I know just how stupid you all are.

As long as you know, that's all that matters.

There are times when being evil toward you guys really does pay pays off all the time

Was that an actual sentence? We'll have to ask the monkeys after they've stopped flinging their shit around.

Watch your backs guys. Not everything is as it seems.

Right. Sometimes people who rely on cliches and canned statements aren't actually intelligent. Mass hysteria ensues...
Guys, {ooh how sexist!!!} do you {hmm...I wonder why they don't want you in RA maybe it's your use of the collective YOU when referring to anyone from TNP...instead of us....} just play dumb {who is pretending to not be able to speak???} , or are you really just stupid as everyone thinks you are? {everyone...what on the whole RL....NS....or just in the lexicon} (Now watch how I get moaned at for flaming while the original post at the start of this thread doesn't) {not by me...I'm glad you gave me another opportunity to be entertained...}

Why are the ickle { cwute} TNPers incapable of capitalising the T in the? It is The Lexicon. {So this is the latest Lexi gripe we don't capatilise the THE in their name....hahahahaha....get upset by trivial things much???}

Oh, actually, I know just how stupid you all are.{All of have you quantified all of our intelligences or have you just worked out some kind of average???} There are times when being evil toward you guys really does pay pays off all the time :shifty: :noangel: { so you're claiming some kind of evilness...Daimiaen thinks you don't have an inkling of evil.... :evil: }

Watch your backs guys. Not everything is as it seems.{really???.....and how exactly is it not as it seems....Oh...I get want us to be as paranoid as the lexi high council...probably won't work...if we were as paranoid as the lexis we'd live there....}

See? Top of the list. :lol: