End-of-War Statement


It is clear to me the wartime provisions will not have the chance to come to a vote and be finished by the time elections are over. Yet I personally am tired of this supposed war. It's stupid, childish, and getting old very quickly. I would very much like to end it before elections are over so that the almost completely new cabinet has one less thing to deal with (as there is only one incumbent running, and no offense, Fedele, but it ain't that big a job).

I've drafted the following speech (can't really be called a statement, it's rather long), which pretty well explains how the war has gone, how it started, why it's pointless, how we're ending it, etc. Most of the bottom part (the important bits) are largely based on Fedele's version in the other topic - it's just a bit more diplomatic and presentable. It more-or-less ridicules Cathyy and IP, as much as one can when one is trying to be diplomatic, and severs all ties with the Lexicon - including making all Lexiconers persona non grata, effectively removing from them any protections granted by the Constitution, and therefore, any Regional Assembly status they may hold.

My plan is to post this just before I post the final election results - the absolute last action of this unified cabinet. That gives it the most effect it could possibly give - a final kick in the Lexicon's face to say "Ha, we have a new government, you failed to disrupt a damn thing, you suck, go home, stay there." And with that, we start a completely new term with none of the problems of the previous one.

Please read this over. Check for any spelling/grammar/whatever errors I may have made. I'd like the cabinet to vote on this so it's ready to go by the time elections are finished.

On July 9th, 2006, at 5:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, The Lexicon declared war on our region, falsely claiming that we had committed an act of war by intentionally intruding on their sovereignty.

For the past several weeks, The North Pacific has seen no sign that a state of open war existed. The Lexicon sent a spammer to plaster messages across our forum; they sent nations in to try and take the Delegacy; they sent puppets in to post unendorsement messages against our delegate, the whole time spouting lies about our region and it's members. But not once was a unified, organized, skilled, even meaningful attack made on our region. As we gained support from all the Pacifics and several other regions and organizations, The Lexicon stood alone, continuing their war of annoyance against The North Pacific.

As I said, several weeks have passed. If anything, this war has only done us good. Our relations with the other feeders have improved as a result; we recieved a wonderful infusion of art and entertainment due to the pointless antics of the Lexicon; we have been driven to improve holes in our Constitution that we expected the enemy to exploit, despite the fact that they did not. So what is the purpose to this war?

There is no purpose. The charismatic abilities of Insane Power and Cathyy were sufficent enough to convince an entire region that we were the enemy, bent on their destruction; sufficent enough to convince an entire region that they needed to rise up and crush the dictatorial power of one of the great feeder regions. But that is where their abilities ended. This supposed war has been limited only to annoyance, not something even the least dignified soldier would be willing to call a planned attack, or any sort of attack at all. These charismatic leaders have no ability whatsoever to conduct an actual war - instead they invent new ways to keep their region convinced of our atrocities, simply so that the state of war may continue. This will last no more. The incompetence of these so-called leaders is not enough to sway the solidarity of this grand region.

In the complete absence of any sort of perceived threat, it is decided that as the last act of this Cabinet, any state of war with the Lexicon is hereby nullified. We no longer acknowledge their declaration of war, their futile attempts to continue hostilities, or their region at all. Since it has been made clear to us that any citizen of the Lexicon is an enemy of the state, we will acknowledge their wishes and henceforth declare any person harboring any relation with the Lexicon a persona non grata, not welcome within the borders of The North Pacific at any time, and not welcome to the rights and privileges granted to members of the region by the Constitution. We completely condemn the childish actions of the Lexicon and its leadership, and fully retract any relations with them.

Once again, a great amount of thanks goes to all the nations, regions, and organizations who pledged their support to The North Pacific during this apparent time of war. Your support shows our region that common courtesy and decency has not died in NationStates or in real life. We invite all of you to please see our newly elected Minister of External Affairs for details on establishing a Consulate with us, so that formal diplomatic relations may be opened. If you already have a consulate, please see them concerning an upgrade to Embassy status. We hope that we can count on your friendship in the future, as we will be more than pleased to do the same for you should the need arise.

In Solidarity,
The Cabinet of The North Pacific, May 2006 - July 2006
Hersfold, Prime Minister
North Harmoneia, Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs
Digitalis, Minister of External Affairs
Ator People, Minister of Defense and General of the North Pacific Army
Mr_Sniffles, Minister of Justice and Attorney General
John Ashcroft Land, Minister of Communications
The Cursed Seal of Alhoma, Minister of Arts and Entertainment
Fedele, Minister of Culture and Education

Note: While all our names do appear at the bottom of this right now, they do not neccessarily have to in the final draft. If you would like me to remove your name, or change it to something different (full nation name, whatever), let me know. If you do not approve of this statement, I will not include your name in the signature. In addition, I will turn off my forum signature when posting this (as I have in this post) so it doesn't interfere with that one.
Once the word "acknoledge" (appears twice), is changed to the proper spelling acknowledge, I fully support this.

On July 9th, 2006, at 5:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, The Lexicon declared war on our region, falsely claiming that we had committed an act of war by intentionally intruding on their sovereignty.

For the past several weeks, The North Pacific has seen no sign that a state of open war existed. The Lexicon sent a spammer to plaster messages across our forum; they sent nations in to try and take the Delegacy; they sent puppets in to post unendorsement messages against our delegate, the whole time spouting lies about our region and it's members. But not once was a unified, organized, skilled, even meaningful attack made on our region. As we gained support from all the Pacifics and several other regions and organizations, The Lexicon stood alone, continuing their war of annoyance against The North Pacific.

As I said, several weeks have past. If anything, this war has only done us good. Our relations with the other feeders have improved as a result; we recieved a wonderful infusion of art and entertainment due to their profligate and perspicacity to find spies anywhere , we have been endlessly entertained befuddled by the pointless antics of the Lexicon; we have been driven to improve holes in our Constitution that we expected the enemy to exploit, despite the fact that they did not. So what is the purpose to this war?

There is no purpose. The charismatic abilities of Insane Power and Cathyy were sufficent enough to convince an entire region that we were the enemy, bent on their destruction; sufficent enough to convince an entire region that they needed to rise up and crush the dictatorial power of one of the great feeder regions. But that is where their abilities ended. This supposed war has been limited only to annoyance, not something even the least dignified soldier would be willing to call a planned attack, or any sort of attack at all. These charismatic leaders have no ability whatsoever to conduct an actual war - instead they invent new ways to keep their region convinced of our atrocities, simply so that the state of war may continue. This will last no more. The incompetence of these so-called leaders is not enough to sway the solidarity of this grand region.

In the complete absence of any sort of percieved threat, it is decided that as the last act of this Cabinet, any state of war with the Lexicon is hereby nullified. We no longer acknoledge their declaration of war, their futile attempts to continue hostilities, or their region at all. Since it has been made clear to us that any citizen of the Lexicon is an enemy of the state, we will acknoledge their wishes and henceforth declare any person harboring any relation with the Lexicon a persona non grata, not welcome within the borders of The North Pacific at any time, and not welcome to the rights and privileges granted to members of the region by the Constitution. We completely condemn the childish actions of the Lexicon and it's leadership, and fully retract any relations with them.

Once again, a great amount of thanks goes to all the nations, regions, and organizations who pledged their support to The North Pacific during this apparent time of war. Your support shows our region that common courtesy and decency has not died in NationStates or in real life. We invite all of you to please see our newly elected Minister of External Affairs for details on establishing a Consulate with us, so that formal diplomatic relations may be opened. If you already have a consulate, please see them concerning an upgrade to Embassy status. We hope that we can count on your friendship in the future, as we will be more than pleased to do the same for you should the need arise.

In Solidarity,
The Cabinet of The North Pacific, May 2006 - July 2006
Hersfold, Prime Minister
North Harmoneia, Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs
Digitalis, Minister of External Affairs
Ator People, Minister of Defense and General of the North Pacific Army
Mr_Sniffles, Minister of Justice and Attorney General
John Ashcroft Land, Minister of Communications
The Cursed Seal ofAlhHoma, Minister of Arts and Entertainment
Fedele, Minister of Culture and Education

Sorry... I can't leave well enough alone...
You're not in the Cabinet! Shoo! :P

Thanks, I'll fix the mistakes.

Alhoma, I used about half of your suggestion. Is that ok? (main reason I didn't use the full one is because I honestly don't know what those words mean :pinch:)
I would prefer that it had a bit more bite to it but it's good and a helluva lot more balls-y than any other statement any other cabinet in TNP has ever published. I feel the need to stress that we post this in every region where we have an embassy or consulate and to avoid posting it on The Lexicon's forum.

That said, make my name bold.
With all but two of the cabinet voted, I'd say that's a majority. This statement will be posted on August 8th just before the election results.

and to avoid posting it on The Lexicon's forum.
I might have my little puppet nation "happen to notice" that it got posted here and copy it over. But probably not.
With all but two of the cabinet voted, I'd say that's a majority. This statement will be posted on August 8th just before the election results.

and to avoid posting it on The Lexicon's forum.
I might have my little puppet nation "happen to notice" that it got posted here and copy it over. But probably not.
It adds to the effect of embarrassment and the feeling of insignificance. Let them go on for a while without even realising what happened. When this happens, they should be the last ones to know. Let one of their diplomats find it in TNP's embassy in ACCEL. They are the silly, obscure, little userite shithole that nobody gives a damn about and everything that we do must reflect that and bring that point across to them.
With all but two of the cabinet voted, I'd say that's a majority. This statement will be posted on August 8th just before the election results.

and to avoid posting it on The Lexicon's forum.
I might have my little puppet nation "happen to notice" that it got posted here and copy it over. But probably not.
It adds to the effect of embarrassment and the feeling of insignificance. Let them go on for a while without even realising what happened. When this happens, they should be the last ones to know. Let one of their diplomats find it in TNP's embassy in ACCEL. They are the silly, obscure, little userite shithole that nobody gives a damn about and everything that we do must reflect that and bring that point across to them.
Ha! That would be good.
The real sting in this statement comes in that even though this statement concerns our war with Lex, the statement is not directed at them. They don't concern us enough for us to release a statement directed at them.
The act currently in the RA that would make it illegal to have a nation in TNP if you also have one in a nation at war...will that be able to be be used against Lexicon members in the RA if we put out this resolution? Was that too confusing :huh:
The act currently in the RA that would make it illegal to have a nation in TNP if you also have one in a nation at war...will that be able to be be used against Lexicon members in the RA if we put out this resolution?  Was that too confusing  :huh:
Yes, and that was the original plan. Unfortunately, it won't be finished in time, so we're making them persona non grata so that we can remove them that way. Either way, they're going to get kicked out. If I have to do a mass trial, I'll do it, but this statement should provide a bit less hassle.
The act currently in the RA that would make it illegal to have a nation in TNP if you also have one in a nation at war...will that be able to be be used against Lexicon members in the RA if we put out this resolution?  Was that too confusing  :huh:
Yes, and that was the original plan. Unfortunately, it won't be finished in time, so we're making them persona non grata so that we can remove them that way. Either way, they're going to get kicked out. If I have to do a mass trial, I'll do it, but this statement should provide a bit less hassle.
Okay, good. Because even if "we're not at war" I'd still like to know that the Lexicon doesn't have members in our regional assembly.
Here's the list of Lexicon Citizens, updated July 31st. All of these nations will be affected by the statement, except one which happens to be my cover. Most of them aren't registered here, but for the ones that are, would anyone object to a forum ban? I understand if there's some reservations about that.

1. Cathyy
2. Insane Power
- Already banned
3. Nish81
4. Shoeless Joe
5. Wilkshire
6. Fulhead Land
7. Kraknokistan
8. LDK
9. Saint Oz
10. Kalmukia
11. Tweedy - Already banned
12. Kerubim
13. Thanato
14. Of the us - Recently banned from the Lexicon forums
15. Cartwrightia
16. WelshCorgi
17. TheCrazyMonkeymen
18. The Free Land of Drobin
19. Thesissia
20. Moxsen
21. Wowbagger42
22. Delquin
23. King Rat
24. Squerrelly
25. Hydraboss
26. Malkaigan
27. Pragmia
28. Foxbat
29. Eudelphia
30. Yellowstone Valley
31. ilu4life
32. Freiksenet
33. Morthia
34. Bustos-21
35. Elialpaca
36. theRunAwaythief
37. The Celtic Queen
38. Ater Cavus
39. Lost Nachiush
40. Rothalia
41. Melon of Mel
42. Tarrotown
43. Interficere
44. nicholan
45. Ekord
46. Romanar
47. KentMarshLands
48. cockatooheadedpeople
49. Word Worshippers
50. Marcica
51. anjv
52. Katinooth
53. Tillia
54. 1100101
55. Eluvatar
56. SirDugforth
57. The G Rebellion - I think...
58. Kaleckton
59. Durnia
60. Marxxeville
61. PhoeniX
62. stephenw32768
63. Whole Green Chilis
64. Boston Junior
65. Kronemonteland
66. Sovereign Dixie
67. Velasconia
68. Catif
69. Akka-Wakka
70. Texas1836
71. Tohono
72. Sibun
73. Of Crazed - I think.
74. bradwell
75. Meri - Already not welcome
76. Ryazania
77. Annexea
78. Khaotic
79. Airforce Attackers
80. Treacle Lane
81. Ennud
82. Hathoria
83. Sporkification
84. Jarovitia
85. scotty
86. Docerton
87. PoD Gunner
88. Surreal Dyslexic
89. Jesardia
90. Doomclaw
91. ooschtenphaxe
92. Ringo-Land
93. thor2006
94. Munchymadeline
95. Gallipoli-China
96. Nawar
97. The strange islands
98. Mathieu
99. Glorintan
100. Phoenix Shadows
101. Shadow
102. Benatania
103. Franky
104. Stellaris
105. Ecstravagantza
106. Jeremoria
107. lovestofail
108. Wuttemburg
109. Ranholn
110. Happy People
111. The Republic of Good Man
Note: The ones in bold are ones I know are registered here, although there may be (and probably are) others I have missed.
Here's the list of Lexicon Citizens, updated July 31st. All of these nations will be affected by the statement, except one which happens to be my cover. Most of them aren't registered here, but for the ones that are, would anyone object to a forum ban? I understand if there's some reservations about that.
Just... no. No forum bans. FL is still an RA member unless I missed something.

You're mixing your admin and your political roles too much Hers.

Frankly, I think the lot of you are crazy to issue such a thing upon leaving. Let the new cabinet decide the direction they want to go in. Or let the people from Lexicon that actually want to try for peace try for it. We don't need to be the aggressors in this.
Frankly, I think the lot of you are crazy to issue such a thing upon leaving. Let the new cabinet decide the direction they want to go in. Or let the people from Lexicon that actually want to try for peace try for it. We don't need to be the aggressors in this.
We're not the agressors - we're the peacemakers. :P The cabinet has unanimously (with the exception of Goal, who hasn't shown up yet) voted in favor of this. They were the agressors, they more-or-less lost the war (in that their claims were false to begin with and they couldn't do a damn thing), so it's time to settle this on our terms.
Makes sense. I mainly wanted to hear other people's thoughts on the matter.

Somewhat coincidentally, Of The US has apparently been banned from the Lex forums for his peace-making attempts. Obviously this means he comes off the Citizen list, and would no longer be affected by our statement. I think he may try to settle down here.
Frankly, I think the lot of you are crazy to issue such a thing upon leaving.  Let the new cabinet decide the direction they want to go in.  Or let the people from Lexicon that actually want to try for peace try for it.  We don't need to be the aggressors in this.
We're not the agressors - we're the peacemakers. :P The cabinet has unanimously (with the exception of Goal, who hasn't shown up yet) voted in favor of this. They were the agressors, they more-or-less lost the war (in that their claims were false to begin with and they couldn't do a damn thing), so it's time to settle this on our terms.
Declaring them persona non grata with an eye toward removing any of them from becoming members of the RA seems fairly aggressive to me. *shrugs*

And yes, I know the *Cabinet* is issuing this statement. But I get a voice in Cabinet meetings, even if I don't get a vote. The only reason I didn't say anything sooner is specifically because you hadn't attached my name too it and I don't really care.
ADMIN NOTE: Polt's mask has been corrected

Aside: Ironic that he kept telling me off for posting in the private cabinet room when I was not cabinet. :P
Having The Lexicon declare war on us is like having Andora invade us. :pinch:
You know, the belated Polts has a point. I think we should just put the statement in.
I'm not quite sure if its legal for us to take the RA status of any of these nations. I don't recall the cabinet having such a power, even if it's for the security of the region.
Hm. Good point.

I would still reccommend making this statement - We can make it clear they aren't welcome here, but we don't neccessarily have to remove their RA membership. A fair number will simply leave, and those few RA's who remain can be put on trial for treason if they really pose a threat or nuisance. Unlikely, but the possibility would still be there.
Hm. Good point.

I would still reccommend making this statement - We can make it clear they aren't welcome here, but we don't neccessarily have to remove their RA membership. A fair number will simply leave, and those few RA's who remain can be put on trial for treason if they really pose a threat or nuisance. Unlikely, but the possibility would still be there.
Sounds good to me. I'm still in favor of it.