Chief Justice Confirmation [CLOSED]


It is my pleasure to announce that the Cabinet has chosen to nominate Chief Justice Byardkuria for a second six-month term in office. In order to confirm this appointment, the Regional Assembly must have a vote, to last seven days. This vote must reach a quorum of 20 nations, and a 50% majority is required to accept Byardkuria as Chief Justice.

Normally we would also do the Associate Justices at this time, however I'm pretty sure that amendment has passed or will pass very shortly, judging by the voting I've seen. As such, the Cabinet did not deliberate on appointments for those positions.

Remember, even if Byardkuria does not recieve the requisite number of votes, he will still continue to preside over any cases he is currently involved in; however, he will not be able to accept any new cases.

So let's start the vote. The voting period will end seven days minus one minute after the timestamp on this post. As soon as I see what that time is, I will edit into this post (As promised: That's August 5th, 9:31 AM). Any Regional Assemby member is allowed to vote, regardless of when your application was accepted. If you are sure your application has been accepted, and yet you are unable to post in this forum, please send your vote in a Personal Message to The Voting Booth, with a subject line of "CJ Confirmation". Those nations wishing to vote privately may do the same.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Prime Minister
Election Commissioner
Again. if you wish to vote privately, click the PM button below and send me a PM with the subject title 'CJ Confirmation'.

Also, if you are an RA member but are unable to post, please vote in the above manner.
The Nation of Unitat agrees on the nomination.

At your service, Bohemians Grand Chairman of Unitat
This election is now closed. No further ballots will be accepted at this time. Any ballot edited after this point will be invalidated.

Thank you to everyone who voted. Results will be tabulated shortly and should be posted within 24 hours. Once again, thank you for voting.

- Election Commissioner -

Edit: Bleah, the automatic post doesn't really apply to this one. Whatever.
Results for the confirmation of Byardkuria as Chief Justice:

Total Ballots Cast: 36

Votes in Favor: 34
Votes Against: 1
Abstentions: 1

By a margin of 97%, Chief Justice Byardkuria is approved to serve a second term in office. Congratulations.