FYI To All Nations

I have been asked now a few times so I will post this for everyone to know, my legal name is Benard Hitler Fieldhausen, I am german, 22 years old and my grandfather was apart of the nazi party and he did give me my name. I do not regret having the name for I do have much pride and respect for my country and my heritage. But I assure you all that I am no Adolf Hitler, nor do i hate jews, do i dream about world power sometimes, but im not going to go on a mass killing spree. So please dont assume that im evil and cold hearted, although I can be but for good reason.

Ben Hitler
I was assuming it was a political name -- there used to be a nation in the region named "Dave Hitler" who never came around to the forums. Jennifer Government, the novel which spawned this game, is a work of satire and you should not be accused of anti-semitism on the basis of your name alone.

If you don't mind me asking, how do your countrymen react to your middle name?
I thought it was just a poor taste comedy name....My apologies for making assumptions before asking you about your name....I have german friends some of whom are jewish....I think they've trained me to be a bit too anti-anti-semetic....Enshuldigen bitte....
My real name's Pol Pot Stalin Tse-Tung III, how do you think I feel?

[size=-4]Sorry. Couldn't help myself.[/size]
I don't understand what the name "Hitler" ever did that was so wrong. Some guy had to ruin it for everyone.

edit: I don't agree with the fact that people automatically judge you because of the name you choose (or have chosen for you). I am not a democrat!

edit: Seriously, it's almost as ridiculous as saying "he who must not be named". Some people should really take the lesson Dumbledore taught Harry to heart.
That's an interesting bit of history connected to your name. You'll have interesting discussions with your grandchildren, I'm sure.

Again: That's a kickass avatar
I do not regret having the name for I do have much pride and respect for my country and my heritage.

In my opinion, here you are saying that Hitler was NOT a blotch on your country and your heritage. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.
Mussolini sucked. However, I do not hate the period of time during which he ruled Italy. Though I may not be proud of Mussolini or the policies he put into place, I am still proud of Italy and its history.

Though I can't read Ben's mind, I believe that is the point he was trying to put across.