Petition for recognition


Son Solinar Ne Harame
(Translation: May the sun shine for all time upon our new friends)

The People of the Commonwealth of Ceysil extend their traditional greeting upon you, with the full blessing of the people, the Council of Elders, and the Chief of State of Ceysil. We express our wishes that this communique be the beginning of a peaceful, productive relationship between Ceysil and the diverse peoples of the North Pacific.

The Commonwealth of Ceysil was officially formed, by the reckoning of the western calendar, on the 1st of June, 2006. However, our people's history extends far back into the past. We are a native people of the islands of the North Pacific, and have only recently taken inroads into declaring soverignity over our ancestral lands.

Our land is situated upon the southern slopes of the Great Mountain (Karamoya, in our native language), set among the rainforests.

We humbly petition the good people of The North Pacific to recognize our claim of soverignity over our ancestral lands and collectively recognize the Commonwealth of Ceysil as a full fledged member of your world.

The People of the Commonwealth of Ceysil
"Son Solinar Ceysila"

((Out of character: I'm new to Nationstates but as you might be able to tell already, I've quite a good idea of what my people are and what they're about. I'm not sure if the North Pacific is really an In Character type of place quite yet, but I was willing to give it a go ;D))
Son Solinar Ne Harame!

Welcome to the official forum of The North Pacific! I am more than willing to recognize your sovereignty over what sound to be exquisitely beautiful lands. I am sure most everyone here will reciprocate, we're a friendly bunch most of the time.

Again, welcome!
The Commonwealth of Ceysil is hereby recognised as a soverign state by the Praetor of Daiokura. May none violate.

Yad ho, groja UL!

Thank you all for your recognition. The people of Ceysil look forward to productive and happy relations with you, the peoples of the North Pacific.