Syndication Deal??

I don't have a problem with it, and it sounds like a good idea to me. I was just wondering when we'd hear about it at our end.
Shouldn't we get The North Pacific Wire up and running before we have another broadcaster come in to the region? I wouldn't mind the deal to be honest, but for the above question I don't think we should have Intermet come in just yet.

EDIT: I've just read the little announcement over there, and kindly asked them as MoEA to actually come talk to us before they announce a syndication deal. Grenval, did you approve this or atleast talk to Posul about this?
It was sent to me and I didn't really agree to any deal but I did post their little news articles. He then asked me if it was possible to have him get posting priveledges and mod powers in there and I coldly told him that it was possible. I don't like the idea of outsiders having mod powers on our forums. Despite the forum being located in the Communications section it is made clear in the constitution that the wire falls under my jurisdiction. I saw that the wire was dead and as I am gathering things for the University I don't have much time to write things for the wire. If you all want to put your heads together and do my job for me you are all welcomed to do so.
I don't have any problem with it, and to be quite honest, I actually like the idea. It's just that we were'nt informed. That's all..
I'm a little confused as this is the first I have heard about this.

So do we have a syndication deal or not?
Not as far as I know. I wouldn't object to having one, but we do need to get our news service in working order before we can start contributing to others, or recieving contributions, or whatever this involves.

He then asked me if it was possible to have him get posting priveledges and mod powers in there and I coldly told him that it was possible.

Posting privlidges he should have just by registering... mod powers he ain't getting. I've no idea who this guy is and he can post articles just fine without having any extra buttons to push. (This is from Admin standpoint, not PM)

Does anyone else hate how the Merit's topics are laid out? It's really weird seeing signatures above the posts...