Office of the Minister


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Greetings, and welcome to the Office of the Minister of External Affairs. I am Dalimbar, and I will be your Minister today.

I would first like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been playing NationStates since July 19th, 2004, when I first created 2 nations, Alzakara and Dalimbar. Initially Alzakara was my main nation, during a time where I frequented on the jolt forums (my n00b times :P). However, Dalimbar was accepted to my first "home region", the Allied States of EuroIslanders. I have served in several different fields, including on various ASE Committees for Defence, Diplomacy and the Euthynai (the ASE's former courts), and starting late last year in Intelligence. I became more interested in the outside world prior to the Pixiedance-era, starting to travel across the world learning and getting to know more people. During the Pixiedance era, I was more on the sidelines, watching and waiting to see what would happen while I was fighing defence missions elsewhere. When the NPD/NPG shut itself down, I was indeed interested in what was happening in the feeders. I decided to move one of my nations (I forget which, so don't ask me) to The West Pacific, until I started to frequent with members of TNP. I finally made the move to The North Pacific, and in my opinion serving this region well.

My experiances in this region include:
-Former Deputy Minister of Communications
-Former Minister of Defence
-Current Minister of External Affairs
-Current Member of the Security Council
-Member of the Regional Assembly
-Among other things...

Now, that is enough about me. Firstly, for ambassadors to our region, I give you a warm welcome. I am asking all foreign and TNP Ambassadors to please reach me via PM. Also, I will require TNP and Foreign Ambassadors to have my MSN/AIM address, but you will contact me for that.

*Opens up the bar, and rests in a nice comfy chair*
Thanks Harm, back at you!

*Hands Digi the keys to a "company" car. Won't specify what company though* :D
I was just thinking to myself. For some time we have been pretty inactive internationally. Following the turmoil of earlier times we have had a long period when we seem to have retreated into ourselves to lick our wounds.

But times change. We have been pretty stable for a while now. The NPA is resurgent, etc etc.

I was wondering whether it was time to flex our international muscle and join some of the international groupings of regions that are around the NS world?

For the record I do NOT mean the ADN. I would oppose joining the ADN as this would carry too much baggage with it. I also do not mean any military grouping.

But there are other leagues and so on out there. Groups such as ACCEL etc.

Folks may ask "what would we get out of it"? The answer is, nothing in terms of security or intel, but it would add another area of gameplay to this region, would give those interested in international diplomacy an opportunity to explore that side of the game.

What do you/others think?
*gasp horrors! I think he's an ADN spy and wants us to become nothing more than a puppet regime for Nasicournia!! Thank god I've unravelled this scheme with the masterful help of other invader regimes right before I polish my new, completely unrelated, Prime Ministerial campaign!!
The Ministry of External Affairs is currently in the works of devising new foreing policy for the region. I have discussed several key points with Cabinet so far, and if accepted, I intend to impliment them and show the world who TNP is!
I personally would feel somewhat uncomfortable with being a member of the ACCEL. If the rest of the region decides differently, I'm not going to get my boxers in a knot though.
mmm. I seem to have turned this conversation in a specific direction inadvertantly.

When I said "such as ACCEL" I was using them as an example of an inter-regional grouping. I was not recommending we joined ACCEL per se.

For a liberal hippy like myself, that would be as bizarre a recommendation as Bush saying "Let's all join ACLU."

I am currently scouring the NS world for a left wing hippy group I could recommend. I thought I had found one, but when I suggested we might ally with them they just said "yeah, whateve, dude."

question: (in the absence of the Prime Minister)

In the light of the partial destruction of the RIA forum committed by Jargongrad, the Field Marshall of the DEN and of Meridianland, 4 Star General of the Lone Wolves United, is the government planning to make any official statement concerning this action, and to take any action against the nations involved and/or the groups they were representing in their action?
Minister of External Affairs,

As we recognize governments and regions by extending the privilage of Colsulates and Embassies,

and As it has been stated by the current representative from Pacific Army, Levana Liberty, in this thread that the Pacific Army does not have a defined governmental structure

and As it has been asserted by Levena Liberty in the same thread that the organization also is not directly associated with the region of Pacific Army

and As stipulated by TNP Law #9 Section 2 Subsection E,
I,  member name , representing the region name, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship.  I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason.  I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
The consulate may be closed at any time for any reason.

I ask that at this time that the consulate of Pacific Army be closed untill such time that a representative of the government or region of Pacific Army presents letters of creedance to your office or they request a Interest Section to be formed.

The PAcific Army may not have a defined government structure as we do; indeed, many small regions do not. But leadership comes in many forms, and by virtue of having a founder and delegate, the PA does have a government - just not one like ours, which is, I think, the point LL was making.

Our agreements are made with governments and regions, and can be signed by anyone representing that region. The founder and delegate would fulfil the criterion of leadership. LL has signed here without objection from Talkos or The Jews of God (founder and delegate respectively).

I would hate for us to set this precedent. For example, my wife runs a region where the only government is a mock one (I am minister for sexual innnuendo). By our standards they have no government at all. Would we therefore deny the Land of Scientific Reason a consulate, should they request one?
Don't wish to hasstle, but several days have passed since the destruction of the RLA forum. Can we expect any statement on this from the government?
1. Defunct
2. Correct.
3. Who?
4. What?
Royalist Querists of Australia. You know, wallabee kings and queens who got some questions to ask.


Rowdy Vacationeer's Alliance. Bunch of surly, tight-knit campers.

I make note that our minister of External affairs has had more than adequate time to divise a response to the forum distruction and do hereby request that they either provide the response or delegate such responsibility to their deputy. Failure in this will result in a request to the Attorney General for instigation of impeachment proceedings for deriliction of duty.
My apologies for not being present in the last few days. Real life things, such as work and other stresses I'm not going into at all, have been keeping my away.

I'm very saddened to do this, but I'm forced to resign from all positions in NationStates. I have neither the time, energy or will to continue on in this manner. I can not let you all down anymore, by not being present to answer questions, write up statements, ect ect. I can not do it anymore. Namyeknom will assume all formal duties that I encompased as Minister of External Affairs. If he requires assistance, he is more than welcome to speak to me if he can find me online. That goes for anyone else for that matter. Also, if he is not available, I ask the Prime Minister to find a replacement for my former ministry.

I never thought it would be so soon. I had great hopes and dreams for this game, things I hoped would have came true. Most of you guys are the most remarkable people I have ever known. It has been said that on this game, sometimes people feel a greater connection to the other players than people in their own neighbourhood. For me, that is true.

I noticed I was going to be impeached, or atleast rumours of it. Fine, go ahead. Impeach me for putting RL before NS. Impeach me for trying to manage my life effectively and efficiently. Impeach me for trying to relax and take care of myself as well. I don't care. I'll be gone anyway.

Thank you all to my friends who have kept me sane over these almost 2 years. Good riddance to you all who have done otherwise...
Thank you all to my friends who have kept me sane over these almost 2 years. Good riddance to you all who have done otherwise...

Is it just me or do y'all sit in front of the screen for a few minutes every time you read one of these wondering which one you are? Damn, I hate that...

Real life is real. NationStates life isn't. If it was, it would be called real life, but it isn't. It's called NationStates life. If you were insane enough to put NationStates life (unreal life) in front of real life...

I've completely lost myself... Shit...

Good luck with real life or unreal life should you decide not to end it!