Describe the Person Above You

^ doesn't realise I couldn't give a...tinker's cuss (yes, that's right!) about ye politics. I haven't even bothered to revive Sydia on NS.
DD is the only person I can call a jackass and not feel like I'm insulting them.

"Excuse me, can you please direct me to the nearest global moderator?"

"Sure. See that big, red ass over there? That's Demo Donks. He can help you"
Harm doesn't know that, despite being considered the epitomy of evil and what not, I rarely actually plot things.
Harm, like me, would much rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass. However, there is always the side option of a nice ass, which is always nice.
Harm is used to a bit of quid pro quo when it comes to watching someone else's ass. (Whatever the hell that means...)