Describe the Person Above You

^Likes Chelsea a whole dang lot!

And in my defense I did not start the fight. It was a new player who decided to spam the RMB's of all the feeders. :blink: It was a good time!
No, but I take the use of "them/their" as a sign that they aren't sure what sex I am...ah ya, like I said before, I'm European => cheesiness!

^ is extremely fond of the :w00t: smilie.
good thing Time hasnt seen my room lately. i dont think (s)he would be too happy with the insane number of transformers in there currently
i knew about them well before this conversation.

^ would love to know about any of his Avs lumps

Edit: worst spelling ever today
I am almost a doctor. just not one of those medical ones. too much about saving people. goes against most things i believe in.

^ thinks im joking