Describe the Person Above You

^Is bending over backwards for me so far it is an amazement that his back hasn't broken.

In other words you can keep your avatar dude, didn't say you were doing anything of the sort. It is from a cool show.
^ doesnt realise that Australians are some of the biggest overachievers in the world. after all theres only 20 million of us.
^Could expound on all the achievements of Australians, unfortunately to make it look impressive ^ would have to use Courier font at 128 to make the list longer than a page.
^ is correct. mainly evolutionary stuff. < learnt about some really interesting disease stuff today. darwinian medicine. theres a really good book called 'Why we get sick' by Nesse and Williams, you should check it out
^ will enjoy the book < thinks. its about the evolutionary reasons why we get sick. the cystic fibrosis and cholera example is really interesting