
Hi! I'm Maxaroni, I was the UN delegate of the region "Government". I was also an admin on their forums. People were being mean and the government was going crazy. I have visited this forum once before and I liked it! And I'm happy to be here! I was just banned from Government for un-known reasons.

Welcome to TNP.

Someone going to ask it eventually, so I may as well get it out the way, why have you left Government? Whats been going on?
It's okay. But I have to admit, They are doing well trying to bring it back..
Isn't Government Sajamot's region? I've hear quite a bit about it recently and about its involvement with some other regions.
Yes. I was banned there because GBUSA (the founder) thought that I made another region and recruited nations from Government to that region. But that is NOT true. another person from government made a region and recruited me! I'm trying as hard as I can to settle this with GBUSA, but he is refusing to reply to my TGs.