State the Obvious

but they are not bred for their milk (in most places) so a horse will only lactate when they have a foal. dairy cows on the other hand lactate near continuously
I am not entirely comfortable with the term "lactating." And no, there's no crazily embarassing personal anecdote that's the reason for it. Nope. Not at all.
There isn't a story! Really! I was never anywhere near Nebraska! Anyone who claims to have seen me there is a liar!

Also, what on earth are you doing up, mister?!
Well, i was trying to beat the waterfall puzzle in FFXII. but it turns out the reward is crummy and its a lot of effort, so im now going to bed. that ok with you?

and anyway, what are YOU doing up? you should totally be sleeping in.
Like i didnt know what you were wearing already. its sunday for you, and i know exactly what that means. in terms of clothes at least.
It's a cute one, too. Short, black & has red pinstripes. To go with my red blouse.

And pinstriped nylons.

What a girly outfit! Ugh! I'm so matchy! It's dumb.
you do realise i have class today, dont you? now im going to be all yawny when we have some famous guest lecturer dude telling us about the evolution of the current Australian (human) population. and i dont want to be yawny. im actually interested for once, and you go and get me way too excited to get to sleep now. way to go girl. ;)
Meh, its ok, he didnt notice me yawning away. and it doesnt really matter if he did, as he was arguing for the regional continuity model of human evolution, and although his argument was alright i still dont think the theory holds water