

Hello TNP :hello:
I was invited to join TNP by Erastide and I decided to take up the offer.
I'm the delegate of Liberalia, and I have a puppet in TSP, just so you know..
Anyway, I've moved my puppet "Bird of Love" here.
I hope you'll have me :)
It's true, they do all want me to stay.
However, I have resolved to remain here to fight off the horde of refugees from Stockport arriving in search of civilisation. Bolton power!
Look, it may a pile of crap, but it's MY pile of crap.
I am Bolton's God. Bolton accepts no imitations :eyebrow:
We have plenty of fame. One of our residents threw a bunch of flowers at Maggie Thatcher once. Besides, we have Miss Marple named after us, Badly Drawn Boy lives here and David Beckham did as well - for a month. :o

We have plenty of fame. One of our residents threw a bunch of flowers at Maggie Thatcher once. Besides, we have Miss Marple named after us, Badly Drawn Boy lives here and David Beckham did as well - for a month. :o

Who cares. You know you want to join me in Proletarian Paradise.
Plus, Badly-drawn-boy is from Bolton. I know his family.