Things Fall Apart

The question is not "would they allow it" but "can they prevent it"?
Of course we can. You seem to forget that the Pacific stood against insurmountable odds for over two years; a piffling little thing like a change in the NS rules wouldn't beat us, and it certainly wouldn't let any cabal take over.

Unless of course that cabal was its cabal. ;)
You realize Moldavi is running the pacific right now? Moldavi maybe slimey, but he is smart. How do you propose liberating the region when he has over 200 endos? He seems to be active at update, which makes a liberation damned near impossible. Not to mention this was not an invasion, and have the pacificans actually asked you for help?
the army we have is nowhere near the 200, plus the largest ever operation that I've ever heard of is 150. And that took weeks if not months to organize.

Plus, the whole "liberation" thing must be properly thought out or it'll become Bush-esque. The fiasco with the Pacific is that after failed liberation attempts, we sanctioned them allowing them to grow a proper native government through heavy propaghanda and stamp out any dissent. I wasn't a big fan of the old PRP but they made it work and quasi-democratic or not, it was made by natives and served for natives (to a xenophobic extent). As for the current situation, the Pacific needs time to sort itself out before we form any proper opinions. Mass bannings are never good but it is Moldavi's style and if the Pacific (whoever's left in the Pacific that is) do support Moldavi then so be it. And if not, then they know our response.
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And people say the Pacific is "free". To hell with that! An administrator (goddessness is suspected) banned me before I even posted. She's a menace! An anti-userite who goes through life, groveling on the ground Franco walked on. She may be an East Pacifican saint, but she's a plain old Pacifican devil!
Interesting read through here. For those who think the PPP deserves a chance, all I have to say is one word: Pixiedance. The circumstances are strikingly similar.

As usual, a few folks have no clue of the Republic that we had in the Pacific. Now, those folks who thought that the PRP was somehow totalitarian are about to see what a dictatorship is really all about.

There are a lot of Pacificans who will no longer have a home; a lot of history is about to be rewritten, just like what happened to TNP. As many of the old timers know, I opposed Ivan's reign here and I led the charge to oust him from the Pacific senate because of his actions.

Today I am on self-imposed exile, residing in Lemuria at Thel D'ran's invite. I've lost my home, just as many of you did when Ivan took over the ban button here. I kind of hurts to see some of you happy that Ivan has taken over the Pacific when this region had to undergo the same thing not so long ago. In any case, I can't see anything coming out of this transfer of power as being positive, and soon I think most of you will agree.
I agree with Warrior Thorin. Granted my time being involved in PRP affairs was short compared to others, But I was a given a say in things, and was allowed to be involved in the provincial assemblies. I was shown respect because I gave respect to them.

Moldavi will institute a real dictatorship.
When I checked this time yesterday, "BlackAdder goes Forth"s status was Vassal, as it is today. I'm guessing there have been several hundred bannings since then...
Just looked at things again, and "BlackAdder goes Forth" is at Minnow status. Maybe Moldavi won't be around long enough to get bored and give the nation to someone else.
Today I am on self-imposed exile, residing in Lemuria at Thel D'ran's invite. I've lost my home, just as many of you did when Ivan took over the ban button here. I kind of hurts to see some of you happy that Ivan has taken over the Pacific when this region had to undergo the same thing not so long ago. In any case, I can't see anything coming out of this transfer of power as being positive, and soon I think most of you will agree.

I'm sorry to hear you were banned. I don't like the PRP because I couldn't say "Thank you" in a welcome thread without being shot at, so I mainly hate Goddessness. Like I have been saying, why don't we just take Mr. Blackadder down? In Flem's campaign (or something), he posted that he wanted this region to be a world leader region. In order to be one, we have to take action like one!
I tried joined the pacific under the NPO reign and i wasnt allowed that is why i have a bad opionion of the pacific but i'd rather it was in the hands of the PRP than of the PPP.

Other than that its an interesting devolpment, all pacifician residents who are exiled, my region will aid them but we are too low in number to help out a feeder.I have to wait and see on wether the PPP becomes a greater evil than the PRP. but by then it might be too late.

Oh its such a dilemma! :blink:
First, the "PPP" has never claimed to be a permanent governmental structure in The Pacific. It includes the word provisionary for a reason.

Now, on other points, some of you will remember the NPD. Some will note that a great many of my biggest opponents during that time (with, admittedly, some notible exceptions) have come forward in recent months and expressed regret for their opposition in those times. Some have stated that they understand that if they had stopped and thought things through for a few minutes then they might have prevented the civil war that ensued.

The same occured in The Pacific. Without any discussion on the issues certain elements decided they would attempt a coup of the Delegate nation. They have failed.

Now I get to see them in various parts of NS borrowing rhetoric from Crazy Girl. It is funny.
Apollo-Industria, do you ever think before you speak? ever?

Every post in this entire thread has been totally misguided, stupid and has obviously had no thought put into it whatsoever.

Is it just me or did anyone else pick up on that?

Message to admins/mods: If its to harsh, please feel free to re-phrase, rather than deleting it.
Every post in this entire thread has been totally misguided, stupid and has obviously had no thought put into it whatsoever.

That should be:

Every post By you in this entire thread has been totally misguided, stupid and has obviously had no thought put into it whatsoever.
I want it known that I in no way whatsoever regret any of my actions during the NPD fiasco.

As for Gordy, read his underneath his avatar. True, maybe a disclaimer might be better but village idiot is village idiot.
Hey Gordo I would bugger of champ. No one really likes you or respects you. Stabbed to many folks in the back.
First, the "PPP" has never claimed to be a permanent governmental structure in The Pacific. It includes the word provisionary for a reason.

And where do you intend on taking the pacific??

just wondering!
Following PM appeals from three people (including one who promised to play nice :eyebrow: ) I am reopening this thread.

Please keep it from getting personal, or I will close it again - not as Prime Minister, but as an Admin of this forum.
It is a shame to see a community like TP at war with itself, or at least its leadership at war with itself. Yeah, democracy's always nice, but it's up to what the majority want, and the majority of the PRP seemed content with their old government.

Also, Goddessness caught me too...
It is a shame to see a community like TP at war with itself, or at least its leadership at war with itself. Yeah, democracy's always nice, but it's up to what the majority want, and the majority of the PRP seemed content with their old government.

Interesting viewpoint. Might I ask where you are getting your numbers from? From my observations it would seem that the majority supports the Emperor of the New Pacific Order, BlackAdder. A vocal minority that does include three members of the old Senate and possibly two members of the old Assembly are against.

Even by democratic standards those three Senators (and I say three eventhough one of them resigned the Senate a few weeks back and really had no say regardless) are outnumbered by the four that have supported the change. Not to mention the masses that have voiced support on the new forum.

Regardless of this, The Pacific is not democratic and such conventions mean little overall.

The Delegate made a decision. Historically the Senators have fallen in line. In this case they decided, through erroneous judgement in my opinion, that they could dictate to the Delegate. The Pacific has never been TNP and will not have a Delegate subject to an offsite government.
It is a shame to see a community like TP at war with itself, or at least its leadership at war with itself. Yeah, democracy's always nice, but it's up to what the majority want, and the majority of the PRP seemed content with their old government.

Interesting viewpoint. Might I ask where you are getting your numbers from? From my observations it would seem that the majority supports the Emperor of the New Pacific Order, BlackAdder. A vocal minority that does include three members of the old Senate and possibly two members of the old Assembly are against.

Even by democratic standards those three Senators (and I say three eventhough one of them resigned the Senate a few weeks back and really had no say regardless) are outnumbered by the four that have supported the change. Not to mention the masses that have voiced support on the new forum.

Regardless of this, The Pacific is not democratic and such conventions mean little overall.

The Delegate made a decision. Historically the Senators have fallen in line. In this case they decided, through erroneous judgement in my opinion, that they could dictate to the Delegate. The Pacific has never been TNP and will not have a Delegate subject to an offsite government.
Damn straight, you stupid dumbass.

Oh wait...
I would think having three senators against it is a big deal, since those three were fairly important people.
I would think having three senators against it is a big deal, since those three were fairly important people.
I never said it wasn't a "big deal" I simply stated that it was not a majority.

I will state now that it isn't a "big deal" for the record since if it was 6 Senators against and the Delegate on the opposing side the Delegate would still win.
It is a shame to see a community like TP at war with itself, or at least its leadership at war with itself. Yeah, democracy's always nice, but it's up to what the majority want, and the majority of the PRP seemed content with their old government.

Interesting viewpoint. Might I ask where you are getting your numbers from? From my observations it would seem that the majority supports the Emperor of the New Pacific Order, BlackAdder. A vocal minority that does include three members of the old Senate and possibly two members of the old Assembly are against.

Even by democratic standards those three Senators (and I say three eventhough one of them resigned the Senate a few weeks back and really had no say regardless) are outnumbered by the four that have supported the change. Not to mention the masses that have voiced support on the new forum.

Regardless of this, The Pacific is not democratic and such conventions mean little overall.

The Delegate made a decision. Historically the Senators have fallen in line. In this case they decided, through erroneous judgement in my opinion, that they could dictate to the Delegate. The Pacific has never been TNP and will not have a Delegate subject to an offsite government.
Well, I suppose what I said was pretty vague..
It's just whenever I visited the old forums of the PRP and saw the system there, was always struck by how unified and loyal everyone was. I was merely commenting that although the PRP wasn't democratic as such, it was something that seemed to be in favour with most people in the region at the time..
It's more of a lament on what a big loss it is to NS, that things have fallen apart, more than a justification of any current point of view at the moment. Things are moving so quickly at the moment, that I just don't understand where some of the senate stands..
As for Gordy, read his underneath his avatar. True, maybe a disclaimer might be better but village idiot is village idiot.

Is there someone dumber than me here who can't read!? :blink: IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Anyway, so Blackadder is making himself a caesar, eh? Well, he will most likely crash and burn. Franco had too big of an effective aftermath. BA will have to get a lot of people very enthusiastic about his new reign and if it turns out to be better than the PRP, then I will probably jump for joy.
As for Gordy, read his underneath his avatar. True, maybe a disclaimer might be better but village idiot is village idiot.

Is there someone dumber than me here who can't read!? :blink: IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Anyway, so Blackadder is making himself a caesar, eh? Well, he will most likely crash and burn. Franco had too big of an effective aftermath. BA will have to get a lot of people very enthusiastic about his new reign and if it turns out to be better than the PRP, then I will probably jump for joy.
What could be better than the People's Republic of the Pacific?