Things Fall Apart

Ah, yes. My liberalism days. You are a good debater. But my first user was there before I ever created that revolutionary organization. And because I was a userite and refused to leave, they banned me.
I know of several userites who have been welcomed on their forum. Perhaps they just don't take kindly to the whole 'invading their region to topple their oppressive communist government' thing.
You seem to be missing the point:

The reason I created the Revolutionary Organization was that I was banned for being a userite and refused to leave. That is all they told me: "userites aren't welcome here." I refused to leave and they kicked me out. At that moment the idea struck me! Do you understand? Comprende? Capisce!?
I try. But if I were to try and take over TNP, I would have asked for help from invader regions. Has any one of them informed you of anything of the sort?

So, tell me, are you denying that you ever had any intention of taking over TNP?
Do you have any common sense? Of course I'm saying that! Otherwise, there would be nation called "Whippersnapper" or something incredibly whacky like that endotarting like crazy!