This thread will remain open for seven days, closing at 8am (gmt) Thursday 9th March.
Looks at calendar.
Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing.
As Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs, I'm supposed to be commissioner for the General Elections - since this is directly related to that, I don't really see how this would be any different.
Now, then. As Schnauzer pointed out, a quorum of 20 RA members is required for this election. If we consider this election closed at the time at which it was announced it would be, we have 18 ballots cast (including Blackshear's abstention). This is not enough to consider this a passed motion. However, a request was made to extend the vote. Since nothing further was made on this motion, and I can find no reference in the Constitution allowing such an extention, permission for this is denied.
Furthermore, and probably most importantly, no record can be found of Thel D'Ran's authorization of Registered Voter status - he did not post in the public verification topic made by Minister Deikura, so there are no records of his nations on file. As his status was not verified when I took office, I must keep to my word and nullify any RV or RA status he may have gained to that point. Thel D'Ran is therefore stripped of any membership within the Regional Assembly, and is therefore ineligible for nomination to any government position.
This referendum is therefore declared null and void as of this time.
I request that the Prime Minister locate another candidate for this office so that the position may be filled as quickly as possible.
[/official crap] I apologize to everyone that this was not brought up sooner - Thel's lack of RV/RA status was a complete oversight on my part. For some reason, he has been issued an RA mask upon registering on this forum, but yet no public record could be found of his verification. I can only assume it was privately sent to Minister Deikura, if it was even sent at all. I do believe that Minister Deikura stripped RV status from anyone who did not verify with her, and in any case I did the same when I took office. Since I had taken my records from Deikura's public verification, Thel was not placed on the list, even though he still held the RV mask on the forums. This was entirely my fault, and I apologize for the huge delay. I will work with Flem to try and get someone into this post as quickly as we possibly can.