Questions for the prime minister, part deux

Have you ever ran into a concrete wall on purpose?

No, but now you suggest it, I will do so right away.

And: Which positions have held earlier in TNP government?

I've been Minister of Immigration and Internal affairs, delegate, and now PM. I was also founder of the North pacific Underground, the first opposition to the NPD. Long, long ago I was named official TNP grammar Nazi, but we will not go into that.

Any chance the Court can get some love on the Wiki, Flem?

A wiki is open to anyone to post. If you want more love, give some more love.

    Who is the Minister of Culture and Education?

That is the first order of business.......
Why are you obsessed with frogs?

In the RL Olympics, who are you pulling for?

Have you ever cursed out anybody on this forumsite and if yes, whom?
Why are you obsessed with frogs?

IT is a new obsession. It arose because the land I chose on the new north Pacific map looks like a dead frog (go and look). I called it "dead frog Island" but it sounded better in Spanish "La Rene Muerte"

In the RL Olympics, who are you pulling for?

Great Britain, naturally.

Have you ever cursed out anybody on this forumsite and if yes, whom?

I have been on the forum since 1st Jan 2004. If I have cursed anyone out in that time, I do not remember it.

How are you adjusting to the new office, Flem?

Well, it has been less than 24 hours. Ask me in a week! But it seems OK. I keep thinking "I wonder if Polts will do anything" and then realising it is me in the hot-seat. I am reminded of a story of when Pius IX became Pope. He was heard to mutter, when a tough question was asked "I must take this up with the Pope. Hang on - I am the Pope! I must take this up with God." It is a bit like that.

What are you most concerned with accomplishing during this term?

We have enjoyed 6 months of relative peace. I would like to make that 9 - and use the time to rebuild our stature on the world stage. I also think there is a lot we can do to enhance our community forum.

Another thing I am doing is working on a philosophy of what it means to be a Feeder, and I would like to make this place the best to be born in as a new nation in NS, and the best place to get a good introduction to the game.
Well, it has been less than 24 hours. Ask me in a week! But it seems OK. I keep thinking "I wonder if Polts will do anything" and then realising it is me in the hot-seat. I am reminded of a story of when Pius IX became Pope. He was heard to mutter, when a tough question was asked "I must take this up with the Pope. Hang on - I am the Pope! I must take this up with God." It is a bit like that.

Another thing I am doing is working on a philosophy of what it means to be a Feeder, and I would like to make this place the best to be born in as a new nation in NS, and the best place to get a good introduction to the game.

My ideas on what it means to be a feeder have shifted dramatically since I first came here and have continued to change. I'm not really sure where I stand on the issue. I'm glad to see someone who does.
Do you think that TNP should be a proactive feeder, using its people and ideals outside this forum? As in, should we join various alliances with other regions or make declarations on happenings outside our region? Or do you favor a more neutral or isolated stance?

What projects do you think your government should reasonably be able to accomplish within 3 months?
It is related to my surname - Fleming. When I first looked into NS I had a friend who played the game called Matt Arnold. His nation was "Arnoldsville" or something, so i figured everyone had a nation called after their name.

It was only when I had been playing the game a while I realised that there were probably not people called "Shirley PopeHope" "MAry CrazyGirl" "Fred InsanePower" etc. But by then I was stuck with the name.
:fish: Anyway, does the square root of pi equal:


And have you ever kissed a frog?

Have you ever kissed your mom?

Have you ever kissed a cow?

Have you ever kissed you mom while she was kissing frog who was kissing a cow who was kissing you?
Anyway, does the square root of pi equal:


And have you ever kissed a frog?

Have you ever kissed your mom?

Have you ever kissed a cow?

Have you ever kissed you mom while she was kissing frog who was kissing a cow who was kissing you?

Pi equals exactly three. Everything else is just over complicating matters.
I have never kissed a frog or a cow. Unless you count my first girlfriend, Sue, who dumped me. She was a bit of a cow.
Nonsense! They are not pointless!

"Why does your frog have a crash helmet?"

I'm wanting to know why the frog has a crash helmet. That's the point of the question. (hint hint)

But if you want me to ask a question that has a logical point then let me ask Flem:

Why did you want to be Prime Minister? Do you think what I am posting right now
is spam? Don't you agree spam has no point? Wouldn't you agree that what I am posting in this topic have a point? Can I hold that little froggy in your siggy?
"Why does your frog have a crash helmet?"

To protect his head while he is riding his motorbike. That is sound advice, and it is also the law.

Why did you want to be Prime Minister?

I wanted to be Prime minister for a lot of reasons. Over two years in the reigon have given me a strong sense

Do you think what I am posting right now is spam? Don't you agree spam has no point? Wouldn't you agree that what I am posting in this topic have a point?

True spam, almost by definition, has no point other than to annoy or disrupt. I am not sure whether most of your posts in this thread have a serious point. If there is one, I cannot detect it yet, but you may be building up to something. I very much hope so, because people who simply post spam reflect more on themselves than the issue at hand.

Can I hold that little froggy in your siggy?

No. It has been told always to say no to strangers.
Basic definition of point=a subject in a matter

not a serious subject. Just a subject. So, technically, spam would have a point to it: to gain more posts and to flourish the OOC with crazy posts. So there is no way saying spam is real. Spam has no point whatsoever as Hersfold has basically said. All posts have had a point.

Next question: If a monkey ran up to you and mugged you, wou you gonna call?
Sorry, Eras. You must have posted your question as I posted an answer - and I missed your earlier post.

That one will take a bit of answering and I will get onto it when I get in from Work (in about 5 hours).
Do you think that TNP should be a proactive feeder, using its people and ideals outside this forum? As in, should we join various alliances with other regions or make declarations on happenings outside our region? Or do you favor a more neutral or isolated stance?

Well, partly this is not a question for me alone. I Would not want to change TNP’s foreign policy without it being a cabinet proposal, and even then it would need to have the approval of the RA.

Speaking personally, I have lived through periods when TNP was very active internationally, and also periods when our policy could best be described as isolationist. Both have their pros and cons. Isolationism brings with it safety and stability, and allows people of all persuasions (such as “invader” or “defender”) to make a home here. On the other hand, there was a certain frisson to the region when we had a clear identity and were a power to be reckoned with in the world. As I have stated elsewhere, back in Spring 2004 the North Pacific had a clear role (pro-ADN, anti-NPO, active defender army). Everyone knew where we stood and what we stood for. When we were pulled out of the ADN, the NPA lost a sense of identity and purpose, and began swiftly to decline. I think a lot of us, even longstanding natives, would struggle if someone was to ask us “where does TNP stand in the political spectrum of Nationstates?”

My gut feeling is that the time is not right for us to be making political or military pronouncements on events outside our region. There has arisen in TNP, due to our history, a strong sense that we should not interfere in the internal affairs of other regions. We have suffered from that ourselves, and it would be somewhat hypocritical of us to wade into the internal affairs of others.

However, I do feel that we have been a little narrow in our understanding of international relations up until now. We have thought purely in terms of political and military matters. I believe that true isolationism would not suit us, or be good for us. I would be interested in developing cultural exchanges and friendships with other regions, Perhaps the Winter Olympics idea current on our forum could be expanded to make a “Feeder games” with teams from each of the feeders? Or (as someone suggested to me) an inter-feeder quiz night. I am thinking aloud here, but you get the idea.

What projects do you think your government should reasonably be able to accomplish within 3 months?

Well, each minister has his or her own emphases, and I am looking forward to all the departments being active in fulfilling their manifesto promises.

I truly believe that we are already part of the best feeder region, maybe even the best region full stop (I do not know them all....). But that does not mean there is nothing we can do to improve matters here.

For myself, I want to see some of the anomalies in the Constitution tidied up, and the RA getting a LOT more active. I would also like to see us develop our community life on the forum. As I outlined in my manifesto, I want to see us become a much more welcoming place to new nations, and providing a better introduction to the game for new players. A final hope would be to give the NPA a sense of renewed vigour and purpose.

A private project is this: I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about what it means to be a resident of a feeder. It is growing into a nascent political philosophy, and personal understanding of what the game of Nationstates is about. Once this is more formed I hope to open it up for debate. Perhaps through this we can get a clearer sense of vision and purpose as a region.
Do you think that the region is harming itself by making spam a bigger offence? will the ooc, long the regions only real strength, suffer in any way?

and of course, welcome to the job, dont screw up.

I have no problem with us coming down like a ton of bricks on Spam. The problem is, defining what is spam. There is a certain "grey area" of posts which would be considered Spam elsewhere, but which are acceptable in OOC.

I think the discussions in the moderators (which has been well conducted in a mature manner) has come to a good conclusion on this, and the OOC will be more confident and thriving as a result.
Flem - what exactly is the role of the Prime Minister, and how does this differ to the Regional Delegate?

e.g. Is it somewhat similar to the roles of PM and President in the French and Italian governments?
Flem - what exactly is the role of the Prime Minister, and how does this differ to the Regional Delegate?

e.g. Is it somewhat similar to the roles of PM and President in the French and Italian governments?
I'm sorry. The summation of my knowledge of French and Italian political systems can be written in thick crayon on a postage stamp.

In TNP the Delegate is not the head of the government. The delegate is the ceremonial head of the region, and is charged with maintaining our security through keeping a high endorsement level, and representing our region in the United Nations through the regional vote.

The Prime minister is the governmental head, leads the cabinet, and makes the tea.
24 miles per hour, or 11 metres per second, approximately.

Let the clicking be of me


I was going to ask a question about North American Swallows but they seem to be a sub-variety of European Swallows!

Now for the ultimate avian question for the PM...........

If a chicken has babies they're called chicks. If an eagle has babies they're called eaglets. All that aside, what bird has no babies?
My dear Mr. Prime Minister:

Can you explain why there is a "Defender/Invaider" convention at vote in the Cabinet?

As far as I can tell, this appears to be an diplomatic treaty that is subject to a vote of the Regional Assembly:

Constitution Article II Section 4:
B - Political, diplomatic, or military relationships shall only be established by agreement or treaty. Either the Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister has the power to submit a proposal to accede to or withdraw from any agreement or treaty relationship with another region, or multi-regional organization, to the Speaker for approval of such proposed action by a majority of the Regional Assembly in a referendum with a quorum participating. The voting period for the referendum shall be for five consecutive days. Should the action be approved, action to implement the proposal shall be taken by the Prime Minister, the Minister of External Affairs, or the Cabinet of the Regional Government, as appropriate in the circumstances.
Oh right... I thought that had changed?

So we do also need to get a referendum vote on all the Embassy Agreements and (once we have a final copy of the new version) the LionStar Pact?

Technically though, I'm not sure what this would fall under. It isn't really about politicial/military/diplomatic relationships and it isn't with another region multi-regional organisation. Its more like signing up to the Human Rights Convention IRL.

Anyhoo, it's always good to see what the rest of the Cabinet thinks and if we get a majority I will pass it onto the Speaker.