I shouldn't be spamming.....takes away from my free time.
Flemingovia TNPer - - Feb 3, 2006 #3 I Shouldn't have returned to OOC. Too much imagination and hard work needed.
D Democratic Donkeys TNPer Feb 11, 2006 #10 I shouldn't point out that shouldn't is a contraction of should not, therefore this thread could easily be covered by the "I should" thread, but I pointed it out anyway.
I shouldn't point out that shouldn't is a contraction of should not, therefore this thread could easily be covered by the "I should" thread, but I pointed it out anyway.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Feb 11, 2006 #11 I shouldn't be humming inanely to myself. Which is why I'm not.
Cthul Murgos TNPer Feb 11, 2006 #12 I shouldn't point out that the n't negitive wouldn't be allowed in a should positive thread, would it?
I shouldn't point out that the n't negitive wouldn't be allowed in a should positive thread, would it?
Huma TNPer Apr 17, 2006 #17 I shouldn't be here period, much better things to do but who cares about that?
Daimiaena TNPer May 9, 2006 #25 I shouldn't need plastic surgery to sort out this unexpected broken nose...but I appear to have tripped......
I shouldn't need plastic surgery to sort out this unexpected broken nose...but I appear to have tripped......
OPArsenal TNPer May 9, 2006 #31 I shouldn't have peed in Steve's toilet tank so when he flushes, pee comes out. OPEdit: That's a great prank, BTW.
I shouldn't have peed in Steve's toilet tank so when he flushes, pee comes out. OPEdit: That's a great prank, BTW.
Namyeknom TNPer May 9, 2006 #32 I shouldn't leave my toilet unguarded with the number of toilet pranksters around...
AlHoma TNPer May 9, 2006 #33 I shouldn't have cemented the toilet tank lids in the cabinet room shut.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl May 11, 2006 #38 I shouldn't remind Opa that he never put a certain quote in his siggy.