
Saxophone. I have a grudge against trumpeters from previous orchestra experience lol. They're so bloody loud and they leave spit all over the floor where the 1st violin section sits when they're done.

PC gaming or Console gaming?

Lenovo. PCs for the win. (Just joking around with the picture lol)

Be able to play an instrument of your choice really well or be able to play a sport of your choice really well?
Extremely smart and ugly. Though being blissfully stupid and ignorant as well as being attractive has its advantages.

Rich and so famous you're constantly watched and harassed by paparazzi and gossip media or Rich and a politician so that you're constantly watched by pundits and the news?
Rich and a politician, plus think of the potential power! I despise paparazzi & entertainment news.

Military man or member of the diplomatic corps?
If I answered Religious Leader I'd be a professional con artist anyways because I don't believe in any religion so Professional Con Artist :P

299,999 or 300,000?
Renewable energy. Not only is it better for the environment, but it's the future of energy anyways.

Xbox One or Playstation 4?
Pediatrician, I'm already familiar with working with kids at summer camps and Psychiatrist just means I'm going to hear a bunch of depressing life stories.

IRC or Forums?
The Beach Boys.

Who would you rather have it be known as one within your portfolio of ex-girlfriends, Lennay Marie Kekua or Taylor Lianne Chandler?
