First Delegate you Remember

Well I know this was on s2 before, but thought it would be interesting here, especially with some new members to TNP.

Name the first delegate of TNP you remember.

I'll start: Pixiedance, at the end of 2004.

*laughs at the long in the tooth ones*

Stars, just. I think I arrived about a week before Flem became delegate.

August '05, roughly...
End of 03'? Hmm, that must've been Nastic, I think. He took over for a while (around Nov-Dec), since Two didn't really have time to hold the delegacy.

I'm pretty sure I joined while Treenudity was still delegate.
VB: You arrived in the same Twoslit delegacy that I did.

Delegates, yuh say?

Twoslit... nastic .... Wilkshire .... Blackshear..... magicality .... UPS Rail ..... Great Bight ...... Free4All ......Thel D'ran ...... Sydia......Pixiedance ............ Pixiedance ..... Pixiedance ...... Lungwallabad ..... Stars of Sky ...... me ..... FEC.....

I've seen 'em come and i've seen 'em go.

Yeah - Nast1c was the first I remember, a couple of months before Two took over - was it really 2003?

Good days man - heady politicking, no spam - and then OPA and Blackshear joined... :lol:
Thel was the first delegate that I remember...and that was back in July of '04 when I was the other Stars.
I actually joined in August 2004, so I think if I was born in TNP, I would have been around another delegate, but I can't remember, because I joined The Nile Delta right away since it was a friend in that region that got me involved in NS in the first place.
Flem your missing Twoslit and Wilks...they went back to back for a while.

Nova Sardonikker: I take it u were new Sardonika in the old forum...Welcome back brother...long time no see!!!
Dear Tresville:

VB: You arrived in the same Twoslit delegacy that I did.

Delegates, yuh say?

Twoslit... nastic .... Wilkshire .... Blackshear..... magicality .... UPS Rail ..... Great Bight ...... Free4All ......Thel D'ran ...... Sydia......Pixiedance ............ Pixiedance ..... Pixiedance ......  Lungwallabad ..... Stars of Sky ...... me ..... FEC.....

I've seen 'em come and i've seen 'em go.
There needs to be a clearer timeline, like the durations of the delegacies.

I think I came to NS when UPS RAIL was del, but the 1st I remember was Thel. He had a cool name so that stuck.
Dear Sirixis: I meant to say that he missed them...again....Twoslit and Wilks held the delegacy more than once in that time line.
There needs to be a clearer timeline, like the durations of the delegacies.
NS Wiki:
Delegate timeline

    * Mikestonia, according to Nastic, was in delegacy prior to Nastic.
    * Nastic has been delegate of the North Pacific with different nations several times (spring 2003, November/December 2003).
    * Treenudity took over from Nastic around the summer 2003.
    * the twoslit experiment held the delegacy in the NP for quite a while after Treenudity.
    * Wilkshire held the delegacy from 16 February-15 April, 2004
    * On April 21, 2004, Blackshear was unseated ("due to someone tampering with his access to the game") [1]
    * Magicality
    * On June 29, 2004, then-delegate UPS Rail declared allegiance to the NPO.
    * On July 28, 2004, The North Pacific was liberated from delegate Great Bight and his ALSO organization.
    * Thel D'Ran
    * On September 8, 2004, Sydia took the Delegate position.
    * Pixiedance took the delegacy of the North Pacific on 25 October 2004, the nation was then in the possession of Cathyy.
          o in the possession of Borogravia Moldavi (8th January 2005)
          o back in Cathyy's possession (around June 2005)
          o in the possession of Insane Power (around June 2005)
    * Lungwallabad (26th May 2005)
    * Stars of Sky (0615 GMT, Friday the 27th of May)
    * Flemingovia (Friday 19th August 2005 to Sunday 13th November 2005)
    * Former English Colony (Erastide) (Sunday 13th November 2005 - date)
I posted the correct timeline in the old S2 forums from Mikestonia up to Pixiedance, including dates, highest endorsements of each delegate and how many nations were in the region at the start and end of each delegates reign.

*Officially the first Nàstic™ post here*

found this which somewhat covers it but isnt what I posted.

This is updated from a list posted elsewhere by Insane Power, incorporating data from Nastic and Thel D'ran. Thanks to the three of them. It is reposted here as an important historical reference, which should not be lost.

Delegate Term Of Office


Stars of Sky_________26.5.05 - date
Insane Power (as Pixiedance)___29.4.05 - 26.5.05
Moldavi (as Pixiedance)________19.1.05 - 28.4.05
Pixiedance (cathyy)_____10.1.05 - 19.1.05
Moldavi (as Pixiedance)_________8.1.05 - 10.1.05

Pixiedance (cathyy)_____ 22.10.04 - 8.1.05
Sydia__________ 09.09.04 - 21.10.04
Thel DRan______ 31.07.04 - 08.09.04
Better Times____ 28.07.04 - 31.07.04
Great Bight_____ 03.07.04 - 27.07.04
UPS Rail _______ 18.06.04 - 02.07.04
Magicality_______ 23.04.04 - 17.06.04
Blackshear______ 17.04.04 - 22.04.04
Twoslit_________ 16.04.04
Wilkshire_______ 16.02.04 - 15.04.04
Twoslit_________ 05.01.04 - 15.02.04
Wilkshire_______ 04.01.04
Twoslit_________ 02.01.04 - 03.01.04
Wilkshire_______ 01.01.04

Nàstic 2________ 29.11.03 - 31.12.03
Twoslit_________ 24.09.04 - 28.11.03
Treenudity______ 07.08.03 - 23.09.03
Nàstic__________ 05.06.03 - 06.08.03
United Individuals_ 28.05.03 - 04.06.03
Nàstic__________ 21.05.03 - 27.05.03
Uugyana________ 20.05.03
Nàstic__________ 07.05.03 - 19.05.03
Zeropositive_____ 28.04.03 - 06.05.03
Nàstic__________ 13.02.03 - 27.04.03
Cote De Tombolo_ 12.02.03
Mikestonia_______ ? - 11.02.03

Some dates are aproximate. Records of Delegates prior to February 2003 are unknown.
Wilks was the first one I remember. February of '04. I can't believe it's coming up on 2 years for me. Sheesh, I've known you guys longer than most of my current IRL(tm) friends. :lol:
Treenudity was delegate when I found the north pacific, of course, I came from the Pacific originally, there it was Sudetenland..
:lol: Thanks but Nàstic™ has never really been away, Im still in the NP have ben since dec02/jan03, I still visit the forums daily (Whichever forum is the current favorite), I just dont say much, I just look at how far the region has come.

Back on track, Mikestonia for me.
Nast1c's got my vote cos of his Spidey dance avatar  :agree:
Dude, Nast1c's got my vote 'cos he's Nast1c.

Hang on, Nast1c's, sorry Nàstic™'s back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe the technical term is w000000t.

ummmm, so who's next?

Alas and alack, Syd's not coming back for a while, he just went back to school this past...September, I think. I miss Syd. The best thing ever was his response to UPS Rail taking over:

Eat shit and die.


By the way, NS, Opa says Hi and sends his regards.
Meh, when I started we used an abacus for our populations and the only issues were whether to wear the dodo or woolly mammoth loin clothe and the UN was governed by a sundial.

Alas and alack, Syd's not coming back for a while, he just went back to school this past...September, I think. I miss Syd. The best thing ever was his response to UPS Rail taking over:

Eat shit and die.


By the way, NS, Opa says Hi and sends his regards.
I have tears in my eyes (both the happy and sad kind)

This is why I love the TNP, you guys...

Thanks for the update IG (just realised that's be pronounced "ig") - you're passing my love back to him too right?
I joined about a week after Flemingovia did, so Twoslit/Wilkshire (I remember sending Wilks a panicky TM, long story) but did not join in on the forums untill 4 months later.
I had problems with S2, ok? It wouldn't let me regain my password after I registered then forgot it, and Twoslit scared me...I could have asked Ananke for it, but by that time I was already 'established' with Cakatoian, and couldn't be bothered to ask for the password to be changed (plus I forgot).
So by this logic, I have actually been in NS longer than IG....that's interesting...
My first nation was created during the rule of Pixiedance. I suspect this was during Moldavi's possession of the nation.
The printing press was still in the design stage when I arrived and Treenudity was the Delegate. I didn't really get involved until Twoslit took over though. I remember the first rough web page that served the region and I was an original back at the olde forum.