Chief Justice Confirmation Referendum!!


All Registered Voters are asked to vote For or Against the appointment of Byardkuria as Chief Justice of The North Pacific!!

Byardkuria served admirably as Associate Justice under Grosseschnauzer and has been nominated as a replacement due to the retirement of Grosseschnauzer!!

Please post your vote below, the referendum will close 7 days from now!!

BTW, do you want this topic moved to the Voting Forum to make sure that only RV's post here? Since it is a voting topic...
Hers, personally, I think it really does belong in the Voting Forum; otherwise someone is going to have to verify that each posted vote is that of a currently registered voter.
The referendum is now completed!!


For: 23
Against: 0

Abstain: Nil

Quorum was reached and therefore Byardkuria is our new Chief Justice!!

If anyone elese wants to verify the result, be my guest!!

Can one of the mods/admins close this thread please?!