Deal or No Deal

*crowd applauds*

He takes the cash!! $238,000!!!! Congrats AP!! :D Just for fun, let's see what was in your case...*takes it and opens it*

You made an awesome deal!....You had $10 inside!

Congrats and thanks for playing AP! Game 2 to follow very soon! Good night!!

(So guys, what did ya think?)
Shouldn't be hard....with a little prodding from me! :)

Now the question of the y'all think this could turn into a regular game?

And if the scoring system is right, he's won 20 posts!
Yes, I think it could turn into a regular game. If you're willing to host it, or get someone else to every once in a while.
It'll depend on the time I have, but I'd love to take this on full time! (Tho with Greed so close to starting, I may need a sub at some point)

And AP, the prodding has begun!!