The West Pacific

I'll just let it be known that I support TWPT very much. Eli has proven himself an effective leader many times over and has furthermore proven his willingness to work for the best of TWP. His government stands at least on a relatively firm moral and political basis and has shown a great deal of level-headedness not usually seen out of usurping dictators.

The triumvirate has vastly increased international attention and inside activity in TWP and, knowing those nations that comprise TWPT, will lead in such a way as to continue that. Furthermore, the allegations from both sides of outside backing are virtually without proof.

Until foreign nations come in in any kind of large quantity to prop up the regime, the triumvirate should be supported as a lifeline for a previously failing TWP.
We just have to make sure that the affliction doesn't infect this region. :P
Besides the removal of any form of democracy from the region, I ask you Heft, what would you recommend for reform to enhance democracy here in the feeders?

Enhance democracy how? To make it stable and relatively close to being safe from people wanting to come in and take over, you would either need a new background oligarchy pulling the strings to control the delegacy, or more open authoratarian laws on who can and cannot run for Delegacy.

But if you want to make it freer and more open to everyone and more, well, democratic and in the spirit of TNP's current Constitution, not a whole needs to be done. To make the region more active, I would suggest building up other aspects, to attract those that don't simply want to push legislation.

Oh, and I originally posted this in the internal affairs section because I thought it would be good for TNPers to discuss the issue and come to a regional consensus out of the eye of foreigners (not that I don't like them, but they don't need to be involved).
It's an interesting one, is it not?

Firstly, Eli was elected delegate and the government system had been removed by the ConCom, therefore Eli was -- using game rules, and their rules -- effectively high commander of TWP.

Secondly, Biyah was all for this until Moldavi's presence spooked him (he's still banging on about PRP influence, when there really isn't any that I can see)

Thirdly, the GiE were never the sitting government. I remember that the NPC would not call itself a GiE because of this, and it took us long enough to form a government anyway.

My summery is as such:
  • Triumvirate seize power in an attempt to stablise the region
  • Triumvirate contain: Eli, TAO and Biyah... the three ranking members of the TWP ruling party
  • Biyah becomes spooked by Moldavi
  • Scans show that previous to purge, tart levels were dangerously high in TWP
  • Endotarts are removed from the region
  • PRP and Meritocracy pledge their support to Eli's campaign of 'Self-determination'
  • Merit senators take it upon themselves to endorse Eli
  • The Pacific are accussed of doing the same, even though no Militia troops are present
  • Government in Exile form whilst not being a government, nor being exiled
  • Eli introduces new ruling legislature and attempts to rebuild government
Now there are some strange factors in this:

Firstly, The GiE seems to have very little external support (aside from the Pacific Army, who are rather hot headed at the best of times) and Eli and the Triumvirate seem to be amassing huge external support -- The Merit being a notable case.

Secondly, Eli has always been a decent democracy loving kind of guy up to this point. Why would he change overnight? Could it have something to do with the situation leading up to the event?

Thirdly, Biyah's change of heart. He really was for this until something happened.
Was it Moldavi, as he claims? Did he see an oppertunity to claim power for himself? Was he ordered by his superiors?

Many people are gearing up to treat his as just another dictator, but what if this time things are different?
For those of you interested in this, TAO has since announced his resignation.


The reason of which I think will become obvious if you root around on TWP forum, but which I wouldn't wish to go into here.
Reading the current stuff coming out of TWP and remembering the WPD takeover, the tone seems very different to me. Might be wrong.

Also, because the boundaries aren't so clear this time round, because the constitution had already been suspended, and because CC3 had reportedly been going down hill, theres less of a public outcry (at least externally anyway).

NS is funny in that its easier to maintain your internal power the greater ammount of external support you have (or lack of external opposition).

However I'm more of the view it could go either way now, or at least less certain about the outome anyway.
Completely different.

I don't think Eli will stand down either... he's not being assualted from all sides just yet.
I think Moldavi is holding out for the password.

Oh, and opinions differ as to whether Eli was ever "elected". I am not an expert on the Westpac constitution, so I cannot give my own viewpoint. However, I do not ever remember him being voted on in an election - which is what "elected" usually means.
Even if it was De Facto rather than De Jure, he was head of state and had no government or legal document to bind him from doing this.
What does it really matter. He is the delegate, the thing is I don't think he will be for much longer (shame). Who do you think will be the next soon to be delegate?
As far as I'm aware, and I could be wrong but I'm about 90% sure.

Eli was originally Regent. I don't know whether this is an elected position or an appointed one, but I suspect an elected on.

When the WPD affair ended, TWP Delegate Minineenee resigned, leaving Eli as Regent to takeover the delegacy.

Unlike TNP, the Regent is only intended to be a stop gap, until a new Delegate is appointed. A vote for a new one was due to take place in December, however the constitution had been suspended, and a referendum of the Grand Assembly agreed to postpone an election of a new delegate until CC3 was finished and a new constitution was in place.

Strictly speak if all this happened, then Eli wasn't elected Delegate. However, the GA obviously had enough faith to keep Eli their during CC3, which could well be described as a dangerous time. In the end its a matter of semantics and personal opinion.

This could of course be verified had TWP's Grand Assembly board not been made off limits.

Any member of TWP is perfectly welcome to correct this if wrong. Its how I remember things happening over there, but I may well be mistaken on certain issues.
He became delegate as soon as the old constitution was brought down for ConCom.
He was also used as the figurehead for the retake of TWP from the Dominion, which shows some trust.
As far as I'm aware, and I could be wrong but I'm about 90% sure.

Eli was originally Regent. I don't know whether this is an elected position or an appointed one, but I suspect an elected one.
Quick note..

Never elected. Eli was appointed Regent by Neenee after Biyah ran for Prime Minister and won. All that was needed was approval of her choice by the council I believe.

Also, the GA had no power in TWP, it was the Council (I think) that would have chosen to keep Eli in power. Not sure how large that was at the time, but....
Indeed, I just saying its not a clear cut, heres the election result kind of thing. Its matter of interpreting the events. I'm just trying to present the events as they happened without bias. Whether I succeeded or not, I know not.

Edit - Ahh, thanks Eras, memory getting a little fuzzy in me old age...
I doubt Eli is the type to give it up and I assume that if this little underground thingy ever looked like it might start to pose a threat, Moldavi's counsil will be fully utilized. Anyone who wants to remove him is going to have one hell of a time going about it and will more likely than not emerge completely unsuccessful.
I come to you as a former member of the West Pacific Government.

My name is Shasoria. I sat as Speaker of the Council, Speaker of the Grand Assembly, Minister of Defense, and Director of Intelligence in my two year career within the West Pacific. It was there that I learned the workings of NationStates, and it is that community which offered me a place to rest my head. I met numerous amounts of friends during my time in the West - many of whom I hope to hang on to for as long as possible.

This is a time of great struggle for West Pacificans.

We have witnessed the fall of our democracy. We have had our rights stripped and are now being ordered, rather than collectively working together.

I come to TNP asking for help. Not in devoting manpower; there was one statement that I have read on this thread more true than them all, and that is that this is a West Pacifican fight.

However, as time passes, we find that more and more that the "government", the WPT, has no intention on keeping this as a West Pacifican conflict. Today, Unistrut and Moldavi have both been elevated to Executive positions. They hold the powers of a Global Moderator on the West Pacific's board. More foreign powers continue to flock to TWP to jump on the bandwagon for elevation in TWP community when they had barely given the place a worthy second thought in the past. The delegate, Eli, has lost so much support within the region that he has been forced to gather outsiders to prop his thinly-veiled dictatorship up.

It is time to say that enough is enough.

I don't care whether or not you thought the ideas that were coming out on top in CC3 weren't proper or to your liking - frankly, that should be playing the smallest role in this.

What should be playing such a large role in your thoughts is the treatment of a community which has been shattered. You too have witnessed your region and community shattered, and have seen how many hearts it can break.

My heart is breaking over the loss of my home, and the loss of the People's home, whom desire not what Eli has proposed but the ability to forge their own destiny within the West Pacific.

That is the chief democratic concept which many of us will agree is integral for a successful community. Especially one that has lived with and learned with such a concept for over two years.

I ask you to stand up for community and to stand up for all that is good and true in the world. I ask you to stand up for us, even if only in a simple statement, not because it may be the convenient thing to do or the proper thing to do, but the right thing to do.

Think on this.
Take your "call to arms" elsewhere!! This is the embassy of TWP and the government of TWP of which you are not!!
Take your "call to arms" elsewhere!! This is the embassy of TWP and the government of TWP of which you are not!!
I find that very interesting coming from you, Polts. I find it more interesting that we ARE West Pacific citizens, no matter how you wish to slice it, thus have a right to speak here.

I find it depressing that TNP would so soon forget its own months of hardship in a situation much the same as this one. We even have Moldavi in a position of power over there, déjà vu, no?

But it will be as you request, you will not see another 'call to arms' here. I trust your consciences will rest well tonight.

My conscience is fine, our cabinet has decided not to take sides in an internal TWP matter and as such, the calls to arms posted here are not necessary, nor welcome!!

My conscience is fine, Biyah!! Thank you for your concern!!
I just hope that if TNP should find itself in similar circumstances (again), it would not get a similar answer! Just a thought.
My conscience is fine, our cabinet has decided not to take sides in an internal TWP matter and as such, the calls to arms posted here are not necessary, nor welcome!!

My conscience is fine, Biyah!! Thank you for your concern!!
Yet as long-time West Pacific citizens, they have a right to post in the Embassy you have given them. If they wish to make a statement/announcement regarging their region, that is their right as members of said region. As Shasoria stated, that was not a call to arms, but merely a request for the nation of The North Pacific to carefully consider the situation and issue their verbal support for the dispelling of this dictatorship. The fact that the council has decided to take a neutral position does not take away their right to make said request. As for it being welcome, you may not find it welcome personally, but I for one welcome any statements from my friends in The West Pacific and I'm sure that others in this region feel the same. If you want to say that it's not welcome, next time make sure to note that this is your opinion, not the opinion of the entire region, since that is quite obviously not true.
If Magicality City have decided to remain neutral, then I doubt they will be condeming anything, young Nucleo ;)
People are free to post as they wish within IF TOS!! However, as I have just told you, the consensus from the Cabinet discussion is to remain neutral and as a result not take sides in this conflict!! Something Shasoria has urged us to do!!

The post is still here, but as I have posted the Cabinet's viewpoint it would be respectful to refrain from posting further requests for assistance to your cause in direct opposition to the government of this region!!
If you want to say that it's not welcome, next time make sure to note that this is your opinion, not the opinion of the entire region, since that is quite obviously not true.

It is the opinion of the region. We have decided to stay neutral as a whole.
*Erastide notes this is why this was better off in internal policy...
Yes, thank you for affirming that I made the right decision.

This isn't actually the TWP Embassy, but it is the place for TNP to discuss her stance on the issue, which means there is really no reason or justification for Westerners to be posting here. That's why it was in internal discussions, so that we could discuss it amongst ourselves without interference from other people.

But it seems that TNP will remain neutral. There is too much divided opinion for TNP to go either way. You know my opinion, but I don't make TNP's foreign policy.
Firstly, please stay within the bounds of decency here. I didn't want this thread on my patch anyway, so don't give me too much of an excuse to close it.

Secondly as pointed out, this isn't The West Pacific embassy, and as much as I don't like fighting in embassies, fighting in my office is worse.

Thirdly, as our embassy treaty with TWP was anulled when CC3 took off, technically the TWP embassy here doesn't belong to anyone but me. I was only keeping it open it provide news from CC3 and the eventual return to stability I expected from TWP. However, as I can only see potential disaster from keeping an embassy opened that two factions believe belongs to them, that is a mistake I shall soon rectify.

Other than that I have no problem with a discussion going on here (as long as it doesn't breach ToS). If the rest of TNP want another internal thread with which to discuss this privately then so be it, however I would prefer any arguments, conflicts and so forth from external nations to be confined to this one thread.

Oh, and play nice you lot. ;)
Ok, nam. I admit it. You were right and I was wrong. SAy the word and I will move the thread out of your office.

PS. Could the sign on your office door be remade in Braile to help those who think it is the West Pacific Embassy? :lol: