At Vote:UN Res: Civilian Casualty Records [Complete]

Former English Colony

TNP Nation
Former English Colony
New UN Resolution. Voting Ends on Sunday, so get your votes in by Saturday evening.
Civilian Casualty Records
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Unstable Former Nuns


The United Nations,

CONCERNED by the deaths of civilians in times of war,

PERSUADED that a proportion of these are avoidable,

CONFIDENT that the military can assist in preventing many of these unnecessary deaths,

DESIRING, therefore, to contribute a positive response to this problem;

The UN hereby calls on all member nations to maintain records of civilian casualties in times of war. It further encourages them to use this data to improve the conduct of military operations, gathering of intelligence, and use of weapons, for the purpose of reducing loss of innocent life.
This resolution is currently up for vote in the UN.

Please post your views and stance on this resolution below. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.
Wow, a short resolution. Haven't seen many of these.

One would assume that a record would be kept when the person's death certificate was filed. I'm not quite sure why we need this, as these statistics are usually, if not always, gathered anyway.


Edit: Currently on NPA duty.
Direct from the Capital:

The House of Citizens, after taking a vote of its members, does hereby certify its support for the resolution "Civilian Casuality Records."  King Henry VI has certified his agreement to this decision so the current stance of the nation is FOR this resolution.


Seal of the King of Ator

Seal of the House of Citizens

So, in other words, FOR!

This resolution above appears to help Civilians caught in conflict... I am not sure if this exact issue is discussed somewhere else. Anyone?

I think this resolution is nice in theory, but I am not sure if it really is necessary. There are no penalities for not following the law nor any details about how the counting should occur...sounds like people attempting to sound humane, but in the end will use and manipulate the numbers to their favor.

Not a member of TNP, but this resolution stanks (minorly)...
True, it doesn't even state which what casualties should be recorded - your own? Those caused by your nation?

Potentially also a security issue? i.e. if too much info is gathered, then it could be used against the nation?

In principal: for, in practice: AGAINST.
If this were to take effect I would just bump the numbers a bit and say our enemies killed, you know, maybe 100,000 more than they actually did.
As far as I can see this resolution doesn't really do much. Even if:

The UN hereby calls on all member nations to maintain records of civilian casualties in times of war.

Means that all nations must collect this data (which is a very fuzzy way of phrasing it), then surely:

It further encourages them to use this data to improve the conduct of military operations, gathering of intelligence, and use of weapons, for the purpose of reducing loss of innocent life.
(emphasis mine in both cases :D)

Means they have no obligation to do anything with it.

I would have thought that any nation inclined to reduce civilian casualties would already be doing more than this resolution proposes, and any nation that is out to actively to cause civilian casualties won't be stopped by this (except they'll have nice shiney new data with which to decide to most bloody forms of war).

I would happily support something to prevent civilian casualties, but this isn't anywhere near strong enough.


Eras can't access the forums, but she can access Nationstates.

Therefore she can't reply to you, but any votes have and will be noted :)

If you wish to contact her, or submit your vote to her personally, she asks that you use the Telegram system on Nationstates.

*tips hat*
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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