My horible music = ADN's fault
Fergi the Great TNPer Aug 30, 2006 #268 The reason why I have no other place in NS to go= ADN's fault. No seriously...
Namyeknom TNPer Sep 20, 2006 #270 My disappearance. Honest, what with the ninjas, and the being tied to a chair, and the beatings and what not...
My disappearance. Honest, what with the ninjas, and the being tied to a chair, and the beatings and what not...
R Ronin Warriors Guest Sep 24, 2006 #272 = Quite obviosly ADNs fault [but i dont actually have anything against the ADN]
Namyeknom TNPer Sep 25, 2006 #273 Ronin Warriors: [but i dont actually have anything against the ADN] Click to expand... ^ ADN's fault.
Ronin Warriors: [but i dont actually have anything against the ADN] Click to expand... ^ ADN's fault.
R Ronin Warriors Guest Sep 25, 2006 #274 peoples apparent dislike for the ADN = the ADNs fault (btw why do people dislike the ADN?)
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Oct 21, 2006 #278 ADN's death= ADN's fault