Invasion of the Cheese


Hi! Im Kaselande. some of you may know me from some of my other regions and all that jazz. my nation here is Timechange, feel free to drop me a TG


Thanks for your warm welcomes. In all the regions I am i seem to be a jack of all trades, so if any if you need help just pm me and i'll help you out as best as i can
Invasion of the cheese! Wouldn't that be Monterey Jack of all trades? /bad cheese pun. :D

Welcome to the region.

Thanks for your warm welcomes. In all the regions I am i seem to be a jack of all trades, so if any if you need help just pm me and i'll help you out as best as i can
Hey, that's what we're supposed to say to you. :huh: :p

Anyways, welcome to the North Pacific and I hope you have a pleasant stay.
Welcome to TNP Kaselande :)

Have fun and bring the cheese on!
The cheese has been brought IP, it has been brought