Consitutionally speaking, a deputy serving more than half of a term as a minister is considered as having served a term. I don't think that's unreasonable. In fact, it's downright fair.
So by volunteering to be a Deputy and being called up to take over from a Minister who is absent, you are permitted only to serve 1 and a half terms whereas someone who has not been a deputy can serve 2?! Seems to punish those willing to put in the effort of being a Deputy and taking on the role of the Minister in their absence!! Something that should be rewarded rather than punished, in my opinion!!
What I'm promoting is the prevention of a what could develop into a solidifed core of perpetual rulers. Once that happens, democracy onlybecomes a thin cloak for elitism and consolidation of power into the hands of the few. The major flaw is that if there are no term limits to prevent the same group of people from occupying the entirety of the cabinet by rotating positions it will invite forum crashing and loading of the RV roles every time an election comes around as soon as someone sees that such a flaw can be exploited.
Eh?! No term limits will mean our forum will be crashed ans people will stack the RV rolls?! What you have not addressed is the fact that the term limits as it stands does not prevent a cliche from holding power indefinitely!! They just need a couple more people in the cliche to achieve it!! Secondly, RV roll stacking is as much a problem with term limitations as without!!
I initially supported the idea of two term limits per individual position. In fact, I might have even been the one who came up with the concept initially. Then I saw the potential for exploitation of such an arrangement.
Democracy itself is open to exploitation, perhaps we have to get rid of the system entirely and just randomly appoint people to office every three months?! Although, we'd have to ensure the random number generator was indeed random or else that may be open to exploitation also!!
I have always promoted a non-exclusive open democracy. What I have always sought to prevent is a perpetual set of people occupying positions of authority for indefinite periods of time. Look at term limitations in the US presidency - there's a very good reason why we have term limitations - we don't like monarchies no matter what it is called.
What you are proposing and what we have now is exclusive!! It excludes perfectly able people from running for office in the name of....err..non-exclusivity!!
Read my last answer above, but let me continue on the point,
You're answer casts aspersions on someone running for office that is has never held office before. I think it is a violation of the rights of everyone if we facilitate the potential reelection and infinitem and permit a fertile ground for the development of a ruling elite.
I cast aspersions over no-one!! It is my proposal that places faith in the people of the region and yours that assumes they are all power hungry individuals seeking eternal control of the region!! Allowing all registered voters to run for any office they like is a violation of rights?! Allowing people the choice of all possible candidates is a violation of their rights?!
There is nothing wrong with asking someone to sit out for a term and let someone else have a chance. The cabinet cannot alter the Constitution as we have checks and balances.
Indeed, that is why the 2 term limit remains in my proposal for consecutive terms in a single office!! I do not believe I have stated the Cabinet can change the constitution on its own, hence this proposal being made to the RA!!
We also have a Constitution that prevents anyone from electing a king too. And that's one of the reasons that term limitations were written into the Constitution. I think that there is nothing wrong with requiring someone to sit out one term after having served two consecutive terms.
Again, I reiterate..the two consecutive term limit remains in my proposal!!
They always have the right to run again for office after they sat out a term. With a term limitation, you increase the voters' choices, not lock them into a potential "minister for life".
No, they have more choices, simply removing a popular politician from the race does not increase voter actually reduces it!! and again you seem unable or unwilling to acjknowledge that no-one currently, or under the proposed changes I have made, can serve indefinitely in the one office!!
The majority might be very happy appointing someone to be King, but what would that mean for the rights of the minority?
As you said yourself, consttiutionally nobody can be appointed "king" and the cabinet cannot change the constitution without the consent of the RA!! So, this comment is nothing but a strawman designed to exaggerate!!
Term limitations are not designed to assure that someone wins an election, term limitations are meant to assure that there is a fair and equitable distribution of power that changes hands and doesn't remain solidified in the hands of a select group. The Constitution was written to prevent the development of an oligarchy.
The term limitations do indeed influence who is elected!! If a candidate is not allowed to run, it influences the result!! If, as you seem to say, the ineligible candidate was certain to retian that office then it does alter who is elected and hence the result!!
Everyone has a right to run for office under the current Constitution, but they have to adhere to the safety clauses we have written into the constitution. No one has the right to prevent others from holding office by perpetually having themselves constantly re-elected to various cabinet position over and over again.
No, they don't..people who have served 2 consecutive terms cannot run for office, they are banned from doing so!! Nobody should have the right to deny a person being elected to office if the people of the region wish it!! Cultivating artificial election results does no justice to the region nor the people in it!!
The people only have a choice if there is a choice and having the very same people constantly in power as a result of a popularity contest is no choice at all. And that is what will eventually happen if the Constitution is changed to essentially abolish meaningful and reasonabl term limits.
People have a choice at election time..if they choose the same person or people then that is their choice being exercised!! The removal of the choice is what the term limitation legislation we current operate under does!! you seem unable to entertain the idea that people will vote for who they want in office regardless of whether they have served before or which office they have served in!!
Being elected, or rather standing for election is a right, not a privilege, provided that one meets the constitutional requirements, including term limitation requirements.
So, it is not a right at all, but a conditional right!! anyway, you sidestepped what I actually said, I'm assuming because you agreed with what I said?! Being elected is not a right, it is a privilege and something not to be given out like charity!!
If you constantly elect the same people over and over again, you are creating a privileged class who will essentially hold power absolutely. If you permit people to be elected over and over and over you will end up with people who are only interested in holding and consolidating power in perpetuity.
If the people re-elect the same people over and over, is that not their choice to make?! Why the need to artificially implement diversity if the region do not want it?! The side of the argument you do not entertain is that some people actually enjoy serving as a Minister, feel they are good at it and want to serve the region as well as they can for as long as they feel they are of value!! There is no way to assume power in TNP if you operate under the law, so all the scaremongering, like what you did during last election, is nothing but emotive rhetoric with no factual basis!!
At this point, I believe that having a deputy stepping in would not result in a term limitation as more than 50% of the term has already expired. I'm a deputy minister and I am aware of this. Right now I am function in full as MoJ in the absense of the Minister. I am not the minister, but I am doing what a deputy minister does when the minister isn't around. Were I appointed minister and incurred a term limitation as a result, that's fine with me. I am more than happy to sit out a term or two. In fact, I'm more than happy to not hold a ministerial position at this time.
That is your personal viewpoint!! What you choose to do and what you are happy with your business!! If people feel they want to run for a different ministry after serving 2 terms in another office, should they not be free to exercise their wants as you are exercising yours?! If people do not want them in office, they will not vote for them!!
A specific voter bloc also holds the power to elect a dictator if they want, but the Constitution is arranged to prevent the majority from denying the rights of the minority by limiting terms. Experienced people should have the common sense to allow others the chance to exercize and develop their experience also. The greater good of the region is not served by laying the foundation for a perpetual ruling class.
Not sure how a dictator would be elected other than a rogue delegate as essentially, the Delegate can eject a "dictator" from the region and a new minster elected!! People should earn their chance in office, not expect is as a right of passage!! That is why I want Deputies to be an "apprenticeship" whereby the deputy would be a new nation learnign the ropes with a view to running for office down the track!! If they assume a ministerial role then thats all part of it and they can then run for office with 2 terms available to them if the people wish it!!
What worries me is the potential for the development of an elitist systems in which only those already serving in office should be worthy of serving in office. Once you have a situation where the same people constantly hold power you deny the voters a choice and you deny the talent that is there to be held down in obscurity. Elitist systems that promote no change by perpetually electing the same people over and over again only promotes instability and unrest in short order.
Again, it is the voters that elect the ministers, that is their choice!! Saying that the voters re-electing the same peopel is limiting choice is preposterous as the choice is given prior to anyone assuming office!!
If we keep a two consecutive term limit for cabinet level positions, it rotates people out of office quickly enough to assure that the deck is sufficiently shuffled. Yes, you only need four people to have a majority in the cabinet provided that the cabinet actually meets to vote on anything.
Why does it need shuffling?! More accurately, why does it need to be artificially shuffled?! Why shouldn't able people with the time to commit be able to run for office in the manner I have proposed?! If people want a change, they can vote for it by electing someone else!!
With a two consecutive term limit in the cabinet, we don't decimate the talent pool. In fact, we expand that pool by bringing new people into those position to learn to occupy those positions. Had we no term limitations, chance are you would not be Prime Minister now.
And is that such a bad many abstentions last election!! Was this a protest at the decimated talent pool for elections?! I think it was!! We do not expand the talent pool by enforcing term limits!! We artificially promote people by removing true competition!! People should learn as a deputy and then seek election afterwards!!
You have no experience in this government's cabinet as you never held a position in this government's cabinet prior to being elected. Were there no term limitations, Tresville would have assuredly been elected PM if he had chosen to run again - but term limitations prevented that.
The more you post the more you support my argument!! I would have much rather Tresville ran against us last election!! According to what people were saying, we were two terrible candidates that nobody trukly wanted as PM!! A real slight on our political system in TNP!! There is no glory in a hollow victory Roman, but we operate under the laws we have and seek to change those that hold us back!! If I lose next election to Tresville or anyone else then that is the will of the people and I accept it!! removing good competition in the name of diversity does nobody justice, least of all the "winner" of the manufactured election!!
Eliminating term limitations would have served to keep the very same people in office for a third term and probably a fourth thereafter. And you would have not been elected. Why deny others the opportunity of being where you now are by eliminating term limitations?
i'm not denying anybody an opportunity, you are!! The term limits prevent someone from running for another office after serving 2 terms in a different office!! That is denying opportunity that I am trying to reinstate!! If peopel want to be PM, then they should have to beat the best candidates!!
And if you get your abolition of term limitations, and then the RA decided to return to the present limitations, would you approve that proposal for a vote?
Of course, it up to the peopel to decide these things!! If people vote for these changes and then decide to change back, that is their decision to make!!
If people don't like the people that get elected because others couldn't run because they had to sit out for one term, then the people can vote the former people back into office the next election.
so we have to endure a term of incompetence in the name of diversity?! This is what I'm gettign at as far as putting the region first!!
Term limitations make for a change in who holds power. That is what this current government is the result of. There is no reason to expect that term limitations would result in anything other than what has already happened and that is a smooth and peaceful transition of power. If there is no transition of power it will eventially result in instability.
Artificial changes on power...if that is the right word..I don't see too much power as PM but if thats what you want to call it, then fine!!

A peaceful transition to an incompetent cabinet will not see much peace, in my opinion!!
Having the same people running for office over and over again is a lack of competition. It is not in the best interest of the region to create a system whereby the same people hold power term after term after term.
I don;t believe certain people running for office denies the right of others to do so!! In fact it generates true competition, not artificially adjusted competition!! you continued assertion that the same people will be re-elected over and over tends to speak poorly of the voters and their collective intelligence!! If people do a good job, then they'll get re-elected, if not, they'll get the boot!! Just as it should be!!
And who determines who is 'ready' to hold a position?
The voters!! Just they actually have to have someone runnign against them to truly guage that!!
It would be elitist and arrogant to presume that anyone isn't 'ready' because they never had a chance to be elected because of an elitist attitude as to who is worthy or not worthy to be elected. Not giving people a choice by assuring that the same people get re-elected and re-elected is murdering competition and calling it 'democracy'.
doesn't everyone make assumptions of rediness amongst other things when contemplating electing someone to office?! It is not arrogant or elitist, it is normal and a prudent thing to do!! The voters as a group will decide the readiness of a candidate but as I said that can only be truly assessed if they are runnign against someone else!!
The only reason an office is 'uncontested' is because someone out there doesn't want to run for the office. It's also because there would be a prevailing attitude that it is useless to run against someone who already holds the office.
Or that someone who does want to run is not permitted to!!

If peopel are intimidated by others and decide not to run, then perhaps they are not ready for office?! The way I see it is you have to be in it to win it, if you don't run you certainly will not win, if you do run, you may win, you may lose..but at least you have a chance!!
The minority of which I speak is not non-existant unless everyone in the region is of exactly the very same opinion about everything. We legislate for the good of the region, or at least that is the intent, which is why we must very carefully evaluate the ramification of any alteration to the term limitation clauses. The problem is that democracy by rule of the majority cannot be given the opportunity to become mob rule that runs over the rights of anyone in the minority. Eliminating term limitations will ultimately result in mob rule without any regards for the rights of those in the minority on any issue.
Mob rule is what the people wanted when making this constitution and ratifying it!! It is what the people wanted to drive the unwanted from out RV rolls, it is what was wanted when we decide our foreign policy!! This is the framework that was democracy to elect our officials!! Democracy rule by the majority is mob rule, only people do not refer to it as that unless the result of said democracy is not as they had hoped!!
The disenfranchise could be very easily suppressed with a Constitution that has been sufficiently altered so as to leave the door wide open for elitist rule. I have no doubt of the good intentions of this legislation but one must only be reminded, as it is said, that good intentions pave the road to hell.
Currently, people are being suppressed by being denied the right to run for office..under my proposal, those restrictions are lossened to enable more competition and open elections!! This does not suppress anyone that would not be currently suppressed as their voice is not loud enough to outweigh the those that see things differently to them!!
If you can't see many people being interested in working in a different office, then they must be more inclined in occupying the same office over and over again. That's even worse than rotating cabinet positions for all to obvious reasons. Perpetual holding of power by the few will result in the death of democracy. If you don't change the wash water every so often, it becomes corrupted regardless of the intention or how much soap you throw in the tub.
They cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the one office, just as they cannot under the current law, so your argument is baseless!!
Stiffling one's own personal aims in the region is what public service is all about. If one's goal is to assume and possess power indefinitely, then that is a bad aim and eventually, without term limitations, someone like that will eventually come along. And God forbid if someone who seeks only the power ever becomes the Delegate. This is my greatest fear for the region and this fear is the very reason why we cannot even contemplate altering the Constitutuion in any way that may facilitate such fears to become a reality once again. It is true that elected officials are at the mercy of the voters but it also must be remembered that the voters are at the mercy of those they elect.
Indeed they are, but the cabinet cannot change the constitution without RA consent so your agument is again flawed!! If we get a rogue Delegate, I do not see what the term limitation will do to prevent that as it only takes 5 minutes to dispose of the consttiutino and take over the region!! Again, a flawed argument designed to scaremonger rather than debate the realities of the proposal!!
Don't take what I say as my taking an opposition stance. I'm expressing an opinion which I hope will get people to take a closer look at what they are contemplating doing here and not change the Constitution withouth taking full account of the ramifications. I would rather take my chances with new people holding office than to have the same people hold office forever.
Well, it is an oppostion stance and you are entitled to your opinoon!! I have no problem with you expressing it!!
My stance is that there should be a two consecutive term limitation for serving in the cabinet after which those who have served two consecutive terms should sit out one term before running again. In this way only can we prevent permanent ministers and give new blood a chance to develop their abilities. If we don't require an injection of new blood, the government and the region will sooner or later die of blood poisoning.
i think i'm well aware of your position!!
The passing of long serving officials is generally celebrated and not lamented. Power held for too long by the same people results in stagnation and fossilization. Those who change the system so that they maintain power indefinately soon find themselves on the other side of the fence if they are not careful. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.
i just think the person involved or the electorate should decide when people move on, not the law!!
I implore everyone to carefully think about eliminating term limitations and then decide the issue according to one's own conscience and reason.