I believe it's already possible to take action against the NPIA if we do something deemed "naughty" by the region. In fact, my understanding is that if the NPIA does something bad, it's my head. What would this legislation achieve, exactly? The NPIA lacks a lot of scrutiny, but we can still be held accountable. My NPIA membership does not make me above the law. I'm sure that if we were to do something like destroy a forum, you wouldn't need this legislation to punish us.
Second, it is unlikely that the NPIA will ever get in such a position as to be able to crash a forum, at least with how we are structured at present. Also, the NPIA would not crash a forum. It simply won't happen, whether you pass legislation or not.
As the Director of the NPIA, I can assure you that I will not allow such actions to be carried out by any NPIA members. I can also say with confidence that no member of the NPIA would do such a thing. If one does, it will be of their own initiative, independent of the NPIA. If it were to happen, the NPIA would probably find out when everyone else does, and we would immediately get rid of whoever did it, and I trust that the justice system of TNP would make prosecute such behavior.
That said, wouldn't it be possible for the RA to release a statement condemning and denouncing forum crashing? Wouldn't that effectively achieve the same thing?
*Heft goes back to pretending to write about Samuel Johnson