I started out in December 2003, and unless I remember wrongly, my first nation was born in TNP.
I don't know what region I moved it to, but I moved my second and third nation there as well. The fourth one went to Middle-earth, which was then large and active, but is now merely large, and not muchly so.
After that, I forgot about NS for a few months and my nations died. When I graduated high school in June 2004 and had time for all the various online games again, I returned and made a fifth nation named Aeruilin, which I moved it into Polaris. Polaris was then a dying region, and once it was empty, I stayed around for a few weeks and moved to California. I also made a sixth nation that stayed in TEP first, and then moved to California a little after the other.
My seventh nation I moved into Polaris (which I had to refound). The eighth nation stayed around where it was born, in TWP.
Around that time I found out you could have older nations resurrected, so I got my first four nations back - the first three stayed around in feeders, and the fourth moved back into Middle-earth (which was password-protected at the time, and quite a hassle to get into).
I also made a ninth nation named Arancaytar (my main online name) some time later that stayed in TSP, and a tenth nation in November 2004 based on the setting of my Nano novel - this one is now in a region named Kerran. After this, my proliferation of nations stopped for a while, although I made another nation called Hunter Polaris for the NS treasure hunt a few months later.
A little later, since our region (California, which my main nation Aeruillin was in) was becoming a bit slow, I had an idea: There were numerous stories floating around all the time - how the ADN had clashed with this raider, and how the other feeder had just had a major revolution, and the other invader group had been destroyed by the RLA. Most of us didn't even know what those acronyms stood for, much less what was actually happening in all these events. I could try to find out more and then set up some kind of news service for our region. That was in March 2005.
So I moved a few of my older nations around a bit in search of some - Arancaytar stayed in the South Pacific, Pralgrad went into the West Pacific, and Ermarian moved into the North. That, of course, was where I hit gold in the way of news to report on.
So I guess you could call me an embedded reporter. Although I'm barely active with my former "main" nation, and I only ever wrote two news articles. By the time I switched UN status and moved to Stars to support SoS, I was mainly playing with Ermarian. :B):
Whew, this has become more of an NS bio than a regions list. Still, it's all in there.
Except I also moved to the AUN with my thirteenth nation, and to Lemuria with my fourteenth, and to Gatesville with my fifteenth, but I haven't been active in any of those yet.