Who Will Post Next! Scores and Rules.

From my original creation of the Rules for "Who Will Post Next?", which have become standard across much of NS...

Insane Power Posted: Nov 4 2004, 04:08 PM
The Rules.

Very straight forward  ;)

The game is made up of a "Rounds" each round consists of approximately 250 posts. Each round has it's own scores and a winner, the player with the most points. There is also the overall master scoreboard, from the combined tallies of each round (since start round 8).

A point is gained by correctly guessing the next player to post.

The point is disqualified if...

- The post is edited beyond 2 mins of placing the post
- The post is edited after the next player has posted, unless it is clear that the next players responce indicates you have not changed your guess.
- The post is abusive (flaming)
- The post is outside this forums rules on posting.
- The guess, is so random, that it is not possible to determine which player is being guessed.(I do know most of you pretty well so I usually figure out who you are referring to even when it is obscure)
- The player guesses themself.

"Bouncing" is only allowed for a maximum of three posts each, between two players. This is where two players choose each other repeatedly in the aim to get some quick points. (If anyone is unclear on this let me know).

No posts count after the Round is officially proclaimed closed.

My decision is final in any dispute.  :p

OK hope this is fairly clear.  If anyone has any questions. Post here or PM me.

Any chance of a pinning DD?
You're welcome.

And as a matter of clarifying the rules, the game stops at 250 posts. Anything after that limit will be split out of the topic and those points don't count.

BTW, Who Will Post Next? = another OPArsenal import to the region! I stoled it from the ADN! :cool:
BTW, Who Will Post Next? = another OPArsenal import to the region! I stoled it from the ADN! :cool:

Well Done!

I first remember getting involved with it when Rocketman was the official scorer, somehow that fell in my lap when he had less NS time and Hersfold became my ...err...WWPN deputy...lol....which is when after 14 rounds I finally gave it those few rules, which have generally been adopted!

Stangely WWPN almost provides the history of TNP when you read through each round.... :blink: ....no hold on.... I am going overboard now!...lol.
:rolleyes: *Plots tickling revenge!*

The Scores at the end of Round 1 are:

1/. IP - 13 points
2/. Namyeknom - 11 points
3/. WWW - 9 points
4/. Byardkuria - 8 points
=5/. Ator People, GoalVa, Ermarian - 6 points
=8/. Heft, HS, Fedele - 5 points

=11/. Azazel, OPA - 4 points
=13/. Sirixis, Hersfold, IndieGirl - 3 points
=16/. Haor Chall, Glenon, Fulhead Land - 1 point.

Play on....
:eyeroll: As I suspected!

Scores for Round 2

1/. Fedele* (18 points)
=2/. WWW / IP (13 points)
4/. Namyeknom (12 points)
5/. HS (10 points)
6/. Ator People (9 points)
=7/. FL / Sirixis (6 points)
9/. Monkey (5 points)
10/. Puckton (4 points)

=11/. Azazel / OPA / Dalimbar / Indiegirl / Nova Sardonikker (1 point)

*Despite attempts to cheat :P
Overall scores at end of Round 2

1st - IP (26 points)
=2nd - Fedele / Nam (23 points)
4th - WWW (22 points)
=5th - HS / Ator People (15 points)
7th - Sirixis (9 points)
8th - Byard (8 points)
9th - FL (7 points)
=10th - GoalVa / Ermarian (6 points)

=12th - Azazel / OPA / Monkey / Heft (5 points)
=16th - IndieGirl / Puckton (4 points)
18th - Hersfold (3 points)
=19th - Dalimbar / Nova Sardonikker / Haor Chall / Glenon (1 point)

Some people haven't been keeping up with scoring...

Round 3

Fedele 27
Ator Peopl 15
Sirxis 13
InsanePower 8
Monkey 7
Avenging Angels 7
Nova 5
Sarcodinia 4
Honeysheep 3
Fulhead 3
Electric Goats 3
Puckton 2
Nova 1
Dalimbar 1
Namyeknom 1
Heft 1
Byardkuria 1

Overall from Round 3
Fedele (50)
IP (34 points)
Ator People (30 points)
Nam (24 points)
WWW (22 points)
Sirixis (20 points)
Monkey (12 points)
FL (10 points)
Byard (9 points)
GoalVa / Ermarian / Puckton (6 points)
Azazel / OPA / Heft (5 points)
IndieGirl (4)/
Hersfold (3 points)
Dalimbar(2) / Nova Sardonikker(2)
Haor Chall / Glenon (1 point)